
Terms for subject International relations containing многосторонний | all forms | exact matches only
либеральный многосторонний мировой порядокliberal multilateral order (Ivan Pisarev)
многосторонне-двусторонняя помощьmulti-bilateral aid (United Nations Terminology Vlad_econ)
многосторонний инвестиционный договорmultilateral investment treaty (Multilateral investment treaty (MIT): An international investment agreement made between several countries and containing provisions to protect investments made by individuals and companies in each other's territories. MITs such as the North American Free Trade Agreement and the Energy Charter Treaty contain similar provisions to bilateral investment treaties, such as: – National treatment. – Most-favoured-nation treatment. – Fair and equitable treatment. – Compensation in the event of expropriation. 'More)
Сеть оценки эффективности многосторонних организацийMultilateral Organization Performance Assessment Network (МОПАН Alex_Odeychuk)