
Terms for subject Architecture containing микрорайон | all forms | exact matches only
высотный микрорайонtower cluster (There is a lot packed into the new tower cluster at the south foot of Cambie, which its commercial operators call “Marine Gateway on the Canada Line.” It’s at the often-jammed intersection at Marine and Cambie, where 20 lanes of cars and trucks converge. • Politicians, he said, are being prodded to “implement the Hong-Kong model of city building, where developing huge tower clusters at transit stations provide much or all of the funding to build its subways.” Condon would not object to Hong Kong-style development if it created affordable housing. But housing in congested, geographically squeezed Hong Kong is arguably the most expensive in the world. vancouversun.com, vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
жилой микрорайонhousing block
жилой микрорайонhousing estate
микрорайон, обслуживаемый чем-либоcatchment area
микрорайон традиционной застройкиTraditional Neighborhood Development (с расположением объектов социальной инфраструктуры в шаговой доступности yevsey)
новый микрорайон, построенный в исторически сложившейся части городаinfill neighborhood (yevsey)
новый микрорайон, построенный на ранее незастроенном участкеnew neighborhood (в отличие от infill neighborhood yevsey)
строительство новых микрорайоновnew-community development
тихий жилой микрорайонcalm residential neighborhood (yevsey)