
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing меня | all forms | exact matches only
а я здесь при чём?what's it got to do with me? (ART Vancouver)
Благодарю Вас за то, что вы нашли время встретиться со мной на прошлой неделе в ПарижеThank you for your time in Paris last week
в этом я совершенно уверенof that I am positive ('It was definitely not an aircraft, of that I am positive. None of us had ever seen anything like it before.' (Anthony Colin, First Officer, British Airways jumbo jet, 22 Apr 1987) ART Vancouver)
ведь я вам говорилI told you so
вы меня понимаете?can you relate? (All these clothes and I cannot decide what to wear! Can you relate? ART Vancouver)
вы меня понимаете?you know what I mean? (There are other things we have to take into account in a multi-ethnic work environment – you know what I mean? •  ART Vancouver)
говорил я себеI'd tell myself (при передаче косвенной речи: You are so petty, I'd tell myself, with your sparkling surfaces and White Company candles, these people have lost so much. – Ты такая придирчивая, говорила я себе dailymail.co.uk ART Vancouver)
держите меня в курсе делkeep me informed
если бы у меня былwish I had (Lovely tree. Wish I had my own to decorate! ART Vancouver)
если бы я могwish I could (нереальное желание: Wish I could be a fly on the wall for this conference. ART Vancouver)
жаль, что я не зналwish I'd known ("Wish I'd known as I have never seen it." "I can recommend the NASA Spot The Station app. You won’t miss any visible passes." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
за кого вы меня принимаете?who do you think I am?
здесь я хотел быat this point I'd like to (возразить, напомнить и т.д.; ...)
к сожалению, я не смог до Вас дозвонитьсяUnfortunately, I was not able to reach you by phone
как бы мне хотелось, чтобыI wish (+ simple past forms: I wish Uncle Ted was alive to celebrate today.  ART Vancouver)
как я вас понимаю!I know what it feels like (Юрий Гомон)
как я сказал ранееlike I said (like – неформально, as i said – формально malt1640)
как я сказал ранееas I said (like i said – неформально, as i said – формально malt1640)
как я слышалas I have heard (But if it is true (as I have heard) that the Horseshoe Bay to Langdale route has for some time been BC Ferries’ only profitable one, why are there still these incessant long lineups? nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
лично я ничего не имею против этогоI have no problem with that (ART Vancouver)
лично я нормально к этому отношусьI have no problem with that (ART Vancouver)
лично я считаю, чтоas far as I'm concerned (West examined the images of the Malibu underwater object. "My first reaction – knowing that it was 2,000 feet under the water – was that, under no circumstances could it, in fact, be artificial, manmade. And I have enough experience, looking at geology and distinguishing between what could perhaps be artificial, and then there's sort of a gray area in-between. As far as I'm concerned, there's no gray area." huffingtonpost.ca ART Vancouver)
лучше ... я не виделthe best one I've ever seen (That was the best one I've ever seen. ART Vancouver)
меня осенилоit dawned on me (After visiting Point Roberts several times a week for a number of years it dawned on me I should move here and focus my professional real estate energies in an area I truly loved. ART Vancouver)
меня часто спрашивают об этомI get this question a lot (ART Vancouver)
меня это вполне устраиваетI'm just fine with that (ART Vancouver)
меня это вполне устраиваетI'm fine with that (ART Vancouver)
меня это просто поражает!it just blows me away! (expressing anger, indignation ART Vancouver)
мне больше нравитсяI like ... better (I lived in Mexico and the few things I miss are: weather, the beaches and colour of the ocean. Overall I don’t miss it that much though. I like Montreal better. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
мне бы ваши заботыI wish I had half your complaint (ART Vancouver)
мне бы хотелось знатьI'm just wondering (I'm just wondering what this is going to cost. ART Vancouver)
мне бы хотелось узнатьI'm just wondering (I'm just wondering, how expensive is it to run a gas fireplace in our state? ART Vancouver)
мне всё равноI don't really care (I know I believe it. I don't really care if anybody else believes it. ART Vancouver)
мне всё равно, что скажут людиI don't care what Mrs. Grundy says (igisheva)
мне довелось увидетьI got to see (Went to visit Lost Lagoon to see the skaters.... But lucky me, I got to see the famous beaver!!! (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
мне жальI feel for (I feel for his son, but the father clearly saw the warning signs and did not take them seriously. The owl deserves to live in its natural home and be respected for that. Nature has its own rules and when we are in it, we should respect them. richmond-news.com ART Vancouver)
мне ли этого не знатьI ought to ("By the way, Watson, you know something of racing?" "I ought to. I pay for it with about half my wound pension." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
мне не терпитсяI'm looking forward to (+ gerund: Coun. Jessica McIlroy said she was “very excited” to see how the project progresses. “I know there has been a lot of demand on Lonsdale as a corridor and the region itself … I’m looking forward to hearing what all of the different types of community consultation brings forward,” she said. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
мне неохотаI don't feel like doing it (Leonid Dzhepko)
мне об этом постоянно говорятI get that all the time ("You're really tall!" "Yeah, I get that all the time." ART Vancouver)
мне оказана честьI am honoured (+ infinitive ART Vancouver)
мне от этого не легчеthat doesn't make me feel any better ("They say now there's all sorts of checks and balances in place." "That doesn't make me feel any better." ART Vancouver)
мне очень нравитсяI really like (It's only my first day here, but I really like this town. ART Vancouver)
мне по фигу!I don't give a crap! (Leonid Dzhepko)
мне повезло, чтоI feel blessed (I feel blessed to have been exposed as a young boy living in Toronto to many different and varied cultures – Ukrainian, Hungarian, French, Czech, German, Greek, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Swedish, Irish, Puerto Rican and others. ART Vancouver)
мне понятно, почемуI get why (Anyways, I get why people see the early 2010s in Vancouver as "ideal" but it was unsustainable so no point idolizing it. We got where we are now by following the same path. Neo-liberal housing policies changed our deindustrialized town into a boomtown but prices kept going up (as expected) and now it's killing the city and the rest of the province. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
мне пораI must be off (Now I must be off. -- Ну, мне пора. ART Vancouver)
мне пора идтиI must be off (Now I must be off. -- Ну, мне пора идти. ART Vancouver)
мне пора уходитьI must be off (Now I must be off. -- Ну, мне пора уходить. ART Vancouver)
мне почему-то казалось, чтоfor some reason I thought ("Do you know if dredging Beaver Lake is still on the table?" "For some reason I thought they did that already in 2013/2014 but I guess not?" (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
мне приснилсяI dreamed about (ART Vancouver)
мне просто интересноI'm just wondering (I'm just wondering, how much do our MPs get paid? ART Vancouver)
мне так показалосьit sure felt that way (говоря о сложившемся впечатлении: I had a very negative incident once on the Spirit Trail, with an off-leash dog and its owner. The dog acted very aggressively toward me, and I was terrified as I thought it would bite me. The owner was unconcerned and dismissed my fear, saying the dog doesn't bite. But it sure felt that way. (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
мне хочетсяI feel like (I feel like having a beer. ART Vancouver)
мне хочетсяit makes me want to (+ verb: I've always wondered what those creepy crawlies were called! They remind me of cockroaches when I see them. When I sit on the rocks I am all good until I see them running around and it makes me want to stand up. (Twitter) -- всё идёт нормально, пока я не увижу, как они бегают вокруг, и мне от этого хочется встать ART Vancouver)
мне это не нравитсяI don't much like the sound of that (She's coming with her lawyer? I don't much like the sound of that. ART Vancouver)
мне это не пришло в головуit just didn't occur to me (ART Vancouver)
мне это никогда не приходило в головуthat never occurred to me (Whoa! That never occurred to me. Glad you posted this. ART Vancouver)
на сегодня я закончил работуthat's it for me today (ART Vancouver)
на сегодня я отработалthat's it for me today (ART Vancouver)
насколько мне известноas far as I'm aware (No other major city in the country has this extra level of bureaucracy, as far as I'm aware. Never underestimate a bureaucracy's tenacity at preserving itself. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
насколько я могу сказатьas far as I can judge
не лги мне!don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining!
не смешите меняdon't make me laugh
но при чём здесь я?but what's it got to do with me?
но при чём тут я?but what's it got to do with me?
ну, я пошёлI'll be on my way now (прощаясь: Okay, I'll be on my way now. -- Ну ладно, я пошёл. ART Vancouver)
ну, я пошёлwell, I'll be getting along (ART Vancouver)
он мне кажется трудным человекомhe strikes me as a difficult person
оставь меня!leave me be! (Leonid Dzhepko)
Отстань от меня со своимNever mind about ("Where's my fifty per cent? I want it now!' 'Never mind about your fifty per cent! We'll talk about it later." ART Vancouver)
Прежде чем перейти к следующему вопросу, мне необходимо ... before moving to the next point I need to
при чём здесь я?it's got nothing to do with me (It's got nothing to do with me. I'm staying out of it. – При чём здесь я? Разбирайтесь сами / без меня. ART Vancouver)
простите, что я вас перебилexcuse me for interrupting you
самый ..., какой мне приходилось видетьthe best ... I have ever seen (лучший образец для популярной модели в англ. яз. ; ever *вообще* не требуется переводить на русский, эта манера уже прочно утвердилась в практике переводчиков с появлением видеофильмов: "самое великолепное парусное судно, какое мне приходилось видеть (...)" – А.С. Грин ART Vancouver)
свяжитесь со мной безо всяких колебанийdo not hesitate to contact me (VLZ_58)
Скорее он, чем яSooner him than me ("Evelyn and Jerry got engaged. I just congratulated him." "Sooner him than me." ART Vancouver)
со мной всё в порядкеI'm fine ("Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine." – «С тобой всё в порядке?» «Да, всё в порядке / всё нормально.»  ART Vancouver)
так я вам и поверил!A likely story!
так я и думалI thought as much (Of all these alleged witnesses, do we have even one recording, one picture? Nope, of course not. For bonus points let's see a copy of the reports filed. How about the names of anyone involved? I thought as much. unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
так я и зналI thought as much (ART Vancouver)
так я тебе и поверил!A likely story! ("Is one to have no privacy, Glossop?" I said coldly. "I instructed Jeeves to lock the door because I was about to disrobe." "A likely story!" said Tuppy, and I'm not sure he didn't add "Forsooth!" "You needn't try to make me believe that you're afraid people are going to run excursion trains to see you in your underwear." (P.G. Wodehouse))
такого я не ожидал!didn't see that coming! (Great scenic view of Lost Lagoon and the sunset reflection too. Didn't see that coming! Nice! (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
теперь я понял-аit makes sense (timescolonist.com ART Vancouver)
у меня есть основания полагать, чтоI have reason to suppose that
у меня не получаетсяI'm having trouble (что-то сделать ART Vancouver)
у меня не получитсяI won't have a chance (+ infinitive ***тот, кто воспользовался моим примером, неверно указал модель: инфинитив уже включает в себя to***: I'm right in the middle of prepping for the Snowboard Fest this coming Sunday, so I won't have a chance to spend this weekend with you guys. My apologies for that.  ART Vancouver)
у меня сложилось впечатление, что...my impression from what I hear is (в данном случае из общения с людьми: Gambioli said she had concerns that the public doesn’t understand the plan. “It’s very complicated,” she said. “My impression from what I hear is people don’t understand what this is.” (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
что бы я без тебя делал?how would I manage without you? (Юрий Гомон)
что бы я без тебя делал?how would I ever manage without you? (Юрий Гомон)
что бы я без тебя делал?what would I do without you? (Юрий Гомон)
что касается лично меня, я считаю, чтоas far as I'm concerned ("This has shaken us. I have an open mind but this defies all explanation as far as I'm concerned." (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
это застало меня врасплохit took me by surprise
это меньше всего меня беспокоитthat's the least of my worries
это меня не касаетсяthat does not concern me
это меня устраиваетthat suits me very well
это то, чем я живуthis is what I live and breathe (sankozh)
это я так, к словуjust sayin' (выражение завершает предположение или изложение фактов, избегая конкретных выводов ART Vancouver)
этот вопрос неотступно меня преследуетthis stays a nagging question (There did seem to be something of a chemistry between the General Secretary and myself. Certainly it was different from talking to Gromyko. Incidentally, twice in our private conversation he invoked the name of God and once cited a Bible verse. This has stuck in my mind and stays a nagging question that won't go away. (Ronald Reagan's letter, Feb 10, 1986) ART Vancouver)
я благодаренmy thanks go out to (My thanks go out to the RCMP, the emergency responders for their assistance, the bus rider who called 911, the drivers who stopped to see if I was okay and the couple who found the car involved and photographed the licence plate. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
я в восхищении отI'm in awe of (I'm in awe of her performance. It was brilliant. ART Vancouver)
я в этом не сомневаюсьI have no doubt about that (ART Vancouver)
я вам не помешал?am I disturbing you?
я вас не понимаюI don't follow you (ART Vancouver)
я вас не тороплюtake your time (Just take your time. – Я вас не тороплю. ART Vancouver)
я главным образом заинтересованI am mainly interested in
я глубоко озабоченI wish to express my profound concern (Leonid Dzhepko)
я должен идтиI must be going (Юрий Гомон)
я должен перед вами извинитьсяI owe you an apology (ART Vancouver)
я его не могу удержать отI couldn't prevent him from
я ему всё сказал без обиняковI left him in no doubt
я ещё и ещё раз подчёркиваюI cannot emphasise enough (Leonid Dzhepko)
я ещё не всё сделалI'm not done (ART Vancouver)
я ещё не закончилI'm not done (ART Vancouver)
я желаю всего наилучшегоI wish all the best to (While I am sad to be giving up the mayor's chair, I wish all the best to our new mayor, Ken Wong. ART Vancouver)
я заметил, чтоI find that (I find that my six-month-old son really likes the shower. – Я заметила, что ... ART Vancouver)
я знаю, каково этоI know what it feels like (Юрий Гомон)
я знаю, каково этоI know how it feels (Юрий Гомон)
я знаю, что это такоеI know what it feels like (Юрий Гомон)
я знаю, что это такоеI know how it feels (Юрий Гомон)
я и вообразить не мог, чтоnever did I imagine that (Two of the world's very first desktop computers have been discovered during a house clearance in London. The chance discovery revealed two of only three surviving Q1 computers anywhere in the world. Brendan O'Shea, head of Just Clear which discovered the items, says: 'Never did I imagine that we'd find something so important to the field of technology and the history of computing.' (dailymail.co.uk) ART Vancouver)
я и представить себе не мог, чтоnever did I imagine that (Two of the world's very first desktop computers have been discovered during a house clearance in London. The chance discovery revealed two of only three surviving Q1 computers anywhere in the world. Brendan O'Shea, head of Just Clear which discovered the items, says: 'Never did I imagine that we'd find something so important to the field of technology and the history of computing.' (dailymail.co.uk) ART Vancouver)
я, кажется, некстатиexcuse my intrusion
я как раз собиралсяI was about to (что-л. сделать: "Crews are on their way to an outage affecting 2,600 customers in Green Hills." "It's not showing up on your power outage map. I was about to call you guys and report this issue." ART Vancouver)
я могу ошибатьсяI could be wrong ("What is the difference between an alligator and a crocodile?" "I believe the main difference is that one will see you later and the other will see you in awhile. I could be wrong, I'm not a zoologist." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
я могу это понятьI can see that ("I asked them if paying with a bank draft was okay and they told me it was, but they need to go with me to my bank when I get the bank draft. That last part threw me for a loop. They explained it was because they have been dealing with an increase of scams this is their new policy. They will go into the bank with me, but won't stand looking over my shoulder. Is this a new standard?" "I can see that. Bank drafts can be forged. It's risk management for them. I think the bank has a right to return payments with forged signatures years later." (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
я надеюсь, чтоI am hopeful that (“I am hopeful that my actions will ultimately lead to a positive outcome of increased transparency," he said. singularfortean.com ART Vancouver)
я не возражаюwhich is fine (Sophie took the bus to school for the first time. She wants to be more independent, which is fine. ART Vancouver)
я не возражаюI'm fine with that (ART Vancouver)
я не закончилI'm not done (ART Vancouver)
я не подумал об этомit just didn't occur to me (ART Vancouver)
я не понимаю вашу мысльI don't follow you (ART Vancouver)
я не представляюI don't see (выражение непонимания: I don’t see where 400 boats are going to go, there is zero vacancy anywhere on the coast and Mosquito Creek isn’t the only Marina playing this game right now – there is an injunction hearing tomorrow regarding the same tactic in Ladysmith which will remove 300 slips. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
я не противwhich is fine (Sophie took the bus to school for the first time. She wants to be more independent, which is fine. ART Vancouver)
я не противI'm fine with that (ART Vancouver)
я не спешуI'm not in any hurry (No problem, take your time. I'm not in any hurry. ART Vancouver)
я не стану это отрицатьI won't deny that
я не хочу в этом участвоватьI don't want any part of it (ART Vancouver)
я ни за какие деньги не согласился быyou couldn't pay me (+ infinitive: You couldn't pay me to move back to Alberta. The housing here is more expensive by a lot but everything else kinda makes up for it. Glad I moved, wouldn't go back.(Reddit) ART Vancouver)
я никогда не задумывался об этомthat never occurred to me (Whoa! That never occurred to me. Glad you posted this. ART Vancouver)
я ничего не могу поделатьthere's little I can do (Omni.com.ua)
я обеими руками за то, чтобыI'm all for (I'm all for fixing the gigantic drug problem in Vancouver, but if we are going to pay approximately $7,500 a year for heroin addicts to get their fix then why do diabetics have to pay for their own meds? It's not like they chose to be a diabetic. Where is the common sense here? ART Vancouver)
я отдал бы всё, что угодно, чтобыwhat I would give (+ infinitive: What I would give to escape reality right now and be down on the Oregon Coast watching the waves crash along the Shore again... I could watch this for hours and never get bored. The angrier the Ocean, the calmer it makes me feel... (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
я отдаю себе полный отчёт вI am well aware of
я подумал, чтоI felt (говоря о решении: The experience has been shocking enough that I felt it might be useful to current housing hunters if I shared some experience of what it was like on our side of the table. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
я полностью за то, чтобыI'm all for (I'm all for building more condos... but this location isn't the best in terms of transit. It's situated just smacked-dabbed between Joyce Station and Patterson. The amenities are nearby, but I would hate to drive through there during rush hour. (burnabynow.com) ART Vancouver)
я полностью к вашим услугамI am entirely at your service ("I am entirely at your service," said Sherlock Holmes, ringing the bell. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
я полностью поддерживаюI'm all for (I'm all for building more condos... but this location isn't the best in terms of transit. It's situated just smacked-dabbed between Joyce Station and Patterson. The amenities are nearby, but I would hate to drive through there during rush hour. (burnabynow.com) ART Vancouver)
я понимаю, почемуI get why (Anyways, I get why people see the early 2010s in Vancouver as "ideal" but it was unsustainable so no point idolizing it. We got where we are now by following the same path. Neo-liberal housing policies changed our deindustrialized town into a boomtown but prices kept going up (as expected) and now it's killing the city and the rest of the province. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
я почему-то думал, чтоfor some reason I thought ("Do you know if dredging Beaver Lake is still on the table?" "For some reason I thought they did that already in 2013/2014 but I guess not?" (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
я признателен за вашу помощьI appreciate your help
я рад пригласить Вас на встречу на высоком уровнеI am pleased to extend to you this invitation to attend a high-level meeting (Leonid Dzhepko)
я рад, чтоI am pleased that (Leonid Dzhepko)
я решилI thought I should (do sth. – сделать что-л.: Since buses and Skytrain aren't running tomorrow morning, I thought I should create a carpool post. If you'd like to offer a ride, feel free to comment below your availability and general route so people can request. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
я решилI thought I'd + verb (Want a donut? Here, I thought I'd buy an extra one for you, it's got raspberry filling in it. • Because it's a stormy, rainy night and we've just lost power in the entire neighbourhood, I thought I'd share with you some of my favourite ghost and horror stories. ART Vancouver)
я слыхалI hear (I hear they just made him vice president of sales and acquisitions. ART Vancouver)
я сочувствуюI feel for (I feel for his son, but the father clearly saw the warning signs and did not take them seriously. The owl deserves to live in its natural home and be respected for that. Nature has its own rules and when we are in it, we should respect them. richmond-news.com ART Vancouver)
я считаю, что он ошибаетсяI believe him to be mistaken
я так и думалthat's what I thought
я так и сделаюwill do ("Try rebooting after the installation." "Will do." ART Vancouver)
я так и сделаюI'll do just this ("You should ask around the Fishermen's Wharf (foot of West 1st Ave)." "Thanks a lot, I’ll do just this." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
я так понимаю, чтоI take it (I take it you've said your piece. – Я так понимаю, что вы сказали всё, что хотели / что вы высказались? ART Vancouver)
я такое ни за что на свете не пропущуI wouldn't miss it for the world (ART Vancouver)
я угощаюthis is my treat (напр., в ресторане)
я удивляюсьmakes you wonder (From the sound of some of the things they do they couldn't organize putting that round paper roll on the holder properly. Makes you wonder how these guys make a living. ART Vancouver)
я удивлёнI am amazed at
я уже собиралсяI was about to (что-л. сделать: "Crews are on their way to an outage affecting 2,600 customers in Green Hills." "It's not showing up on your power outage map. I was about to call you guys and report this issue." ART Vancouver)
я хорошо представляюI have a good idea (что происходит: I have a good idea who is behind all of this but I will take a look for sure. -- Я хорошо представляю / Мне хорошо известно, кто за этим стоит. ART Vancouver)
я хочу ...I want (MichaelBurov)
я это сделал по моему собственному желаниюI did it of my own accord
я этого не понимаюI can't make it out