
Terms for subject Proverb containing короткое | all forms
бедному жениться и ночь короткаwhen poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window
бедному жениться и ночь короткаwhen poverty comes in at the door or doors, love flies leaps at the window (or windows)
бедному жениться и ночь короткаthere's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip п when a pauper gets married at last, even the night goes too fast
бедному жениться и ночь короткаwho marrieth for love without money, hath good nights and sorry days
бедному жениться и ночь короткаlove lasts as long as money endures (a poor man's happiness does not last long)
жизнь короткаlife is but a span
жизнь коротка, а время быстротечноlife is short and time is swift
Жизнь коротка, а дел многоLife is short, but there's a lot to be done or life is short, but there's much to do
жизнь коротка, а успеть надо многоеart is long, life is short
у бабы волос долог, а ум коротокa woman's advice is best at a dead lift
у бабы волос долог, а ум коротокtell a woman she is fair, and she will soon turn a fool (contrast: a woman's advice is no great thing, but he who won't take it is a fool. women in mischief are wiser than men. the wit of a woman is a great matter)
у бабы волос долог, а ум коротокwomen have more hair than with long of hair and short of brains
у бабы волос долог, а ум коротокlong hair and short wit
у бабы волос долог, да ум коротокa woman's advice is best at a dead lift
у бабы волос долог, да ум коротокtell a woman she is fair, and she will soon turn a fool (contrast: a woman's advice is no great thing, but he who won't take it is a fool. women in mischief are wiser than men. the wit of a woman is a great matter)
у бабы волос долог, да ум коротокwomen have more hair than with long of hair and short of brains
у бабы волос долог, да ум коротокlong hair and short wit
у лжи короткие ногиlies have short legs
у лжи ноги короткиlies have short legs
у проклятой коровы рога короткиcurst cow has short horns