
Terms for subject Microsoft containing координат | all forms
клиентская координатаclient coordinate (A coordinate that specifies the X or Y screen position relative to the upper-left corner of the application, which is regarded as the origin (0,0). In right-to-left (RTL) applications, the upper-right corner is the origin Rori)
координата страницыpage coordinate (A coordinate used by a drawing surface, such as a form or control)
координата устройстваdevice coordinate (The coordinate used by the physical device being drawn on, such as a screen or sheet of paper)
координаты клиентской области окнаclient coordinates (Alex_Odeychuk)
мировые координатыworld coordinate (A coordinate used to model a particular graphic world)
Наши координатыContact Us (Publisher 2013 Rori)
пара координатcoordinate pair (A pair of values representing the x- and y-coordinates of a point that are stored in a two-dimensional array that can contain coordinates for many points)
планарная система координатplanar coordinate system (A system of coordinates in reference to a planar space)
получить координаты клиентской области окнаreceive the client coordinates (Alex_Odeychuk)
преобразование мировых координатworld transformation (The transformation that converts world coordinates to page coordinates)
указывающее устройство с абсолютными координатамиabsolute pointing device (A mechanical or physical pointing device whose location is associated with the position of the on-screen cursor. For example, if the user of a graphics tablet places the pen on the upper right corner of the tablet, the cursor moves to the upper right corner of the screen or on-screen window associated with the pen)
эллипсоидная система координатellipsoidal coordinate system (A coordinate system in reference to a flattened sphere)