
Terms for subject Business containing координат | all forms
координаты для получения потенциальным работодателем рекомендации на сотрудника от предыдущего работодателяreference (в резюме Marina_Onishchenko)
начало координатpoint zero
начало координатpoint of origin
оставь свои координатыprovide us with your contact details (чтобы знать, как с тобой связаться Alex_Odeychuk)
система координатframe of reference (In physics, a frame of reference (or reference frame) may refer to a coordinate system used to represent and measure properties of objects such as their position and orientation. It may also refer to a set of axes used for such representation. Alternatively, in relativity, the phrase can be used to refer to the relationship between a moving observer and the phenomenon or phenomena under observation. In this context, the phrase often becomes "observational frame of reference" (or "observational reference frame"). The context may itself include a coordinate system used to represent the observer and phenomenon or phenomena. WAD Alexander Demidov)