
Terms containing контроллер домена только для чтения | all forms | in specified order only
comp., MSконтроллер домена только для чтенияRODC (read-only domain controller microsoft.com bojana)
comp., MSконтроллер домена только для чтенияread-only domain controller (A domain controller that has read-only copies of directory partitions)
comp., MSотфильтрованный набор атрибутов контроллера домена только для чтенияRODC filtered attribute set (A dynamically configured set of attributes that are not replicated to a read-only domain controller (RODC). This prevents those attribute values from being revealed if an RODC is compromised. Rori)
comp., MSотфильтрованный набор атрибутов контроллера домена только для чтенияRODC filtered attribute set (A dynamically configured set of attributes that are not replicated to a read-only domain controller (RODC). This prevents those attribute values from being revealed if an RODC is compromised)
comp., MSпоэтапная установка контроллера домена только для чтенияstaged RODC installation (A process in which a read-only domain controller (RODC) is installed in two stages. In the first stage, a highly privileged user, such as a member of the Domain Admins group, creates an account for the RODC. In the second stage, a delegated user attaches the server that will be the RODC to the account that was created for it)
comp., MSпоэтапная установка контроллера домена только для чтенияstaged read-only domain controller installation (A process in which a read-only domain controller (RODC) is installed in two stages. In the first stage, a highly privileged user, such as a member of the Domain Admins group, creates an account for the RODC. In the second stage, a delegated user attaches the server that will be the RODC to the account that was created for it)