
Terms for subject Microsoft containing конечный | all forms | exact matches only
абстрактное определение конечной точкиabstract endpoint definition (The abstract type of an endpoint, which defines common characteristics of a class of endpoints. Examples include, Web Site Endpoint, Http Client Endpoint, Http Server Endpoint)
адрес конечной точкиendpoint address (A uniform resource identifier (URI) that specifies the location of an endpoint. Every endpoint has an address associated with it, which is used to locate and identify the endpoint)
восстановление конечным пользователемend-user recovery (A feature that enables an end user to independently recover data by retrieving a shadow copy. This feature requires the shadow copy client software)
входная конечная точкаinput endpoint (The IP and port on which a role instance receives inbound traffic. Each type of role has restrictions on the number and type of input endpoints that can be defined. A web role can have no more than one HTTP endpoint and one HTTPS endpoint. A work role can have no more than five HTTP, HTTPS, or TCP endpoints (any combination). A VM role can have only one HTTP, HTTPS, or TCP endpoint)
домен конечной точки APIAPI endpoint domain (Azure Rori)
Использовать динамические конечные узлы в интрасетиUse intranet range of dynamic endpoints. (Windows 8 Rori)
конечная база данныхdestination database (stachel)
конечная дата циклаcycle end date (The defined end of a period of time during which cycle items are active and can be acted upon. Rori)
конечная областьdestination area (The range of cells that you select to hold the summarized data in a consolidation. The destination area can be on the same worksheet as the source data or on a different worksheet. A worksheet can contain only one consolidation)
конечная рабочая станцияdestination workstation (Andy)
конечная точка APIAPI endpoint (Microsoft Azure Rori)
конечная точка веб-службыWeb service endpoint (An endpoint that exposes a Web service. Rori)
конечная точка выделенияselection end (The point at which a selection operation ends. This point might be at the visual beginning or end of the selection, depending on how the user made the selection. For example, if the user makes a text selection by moving the mouse pointer from the end of a sentence to its beginning, the selection end will be at the beginning of that sentence)
конечная точка диалогаconversation endpoint (The object which represents a party participating in the conversation)
конечная точка зоныzone endpoint (An endpoint that represents a connection and communication endpoint for a zone and is inbound outbound or bidirectional type. A zone endpoint delegates communication to endpoints on logical servers within the zone)
конечная точка логического сервераlogical server endpoint (An endpoint which represents a connection point for a logical server and is of client or server type. Rori)
конечная точка подключения к базе данныхdatabase connection endpoint (An endpoint representing the connection to a database)
конечная точка поставщикаprovider endpoint (An endpoint through which an application system exposes or provides a service of some kind)
конечная точка потребителяconsumer endpoint (An endpoint where an application or system uses a service)
конечная точка приложенияapplication endpoint (An endpoint at which an application provides or uses a service and is of provider or consumer type, respectively. Rori)
конечная точка проксиproxy endpoint (An endpoint that represents a connection point for an application system. Proxy endpoints provide access to or from members of the system from outside the system. A proxy endpoint delegates its behavior to an endpoint on a member of the system)
конечная точка службыservice endpoint (An endpoint through which an application system exposes or provides a service of some kind)
конечная точка службы для удалённого вызова процедурservice RPC endpoint (Alex_Odeychuk)
конечное приложениеdestination application (Andy)
конечное приложениеTarget Application (An item stored in the Secure Store Service that maps users or groups to credentials needed to access external data or other resources)
конечное состояниеfinal state (In a statechart or activity diagram, a representation of the completion of activity in the enclosing state or action state. The final state is indicated by a bull's eye)
конечные результатыdeliverable
конечные узлыleaf nodes (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
конечный автоматstate machine (A graph of states and transitions that describes the response of an object of a given class to the receipt of outside stimuli. A state machine is attached to a class or method. A statechart diagram represents a state machine)
конечный IP-адресending IP address (Andy)
конечный диапазонleaf span (Andy)
конечный документdestination document (A document to which information is copied or moved)
конечный компьютерtarget computer (The computer that will be distributed to customers on which you install Windows. You can either run Windows Setup on the destination computer or copy a master installation onto a destination computer)
конечный компьютерdestination computer (The computer that will be distributed to customers on which you install Windows. You can either run Windows Setup on the destination computer or copy a master installation onto a destination computer)
конечный объектleaf (A node with no child objects represented in the tree)
конечный объект импортаimport target (Andy)
конечный путьtarget path (Andy)
конечный путьdestination path (Andy)
конечный путь для файловfile destination path (Office System 2010 Alex Lilo)
конечный путь к корневому расположениюroot destination path (Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, т.д. Alex Lilo)
конечный сеансtarget session (Andy)
конечный серверdestination server (microsoft.com bojana)
конечный уровеньleaf level (The bottom level of a clustered or nonclustered index, or the bottom level of a hierarchy. Rori)
конечный уровеньleaf level (The bottom level of a clustered or nonclustered index, or the bottom level of a hierarchy)
конечный файлdestination file (The file that a linked or embedded object is inserted into, or that data is saved to. The source file contains the information that is used to create the object. When you change information in a destination file, the information is not updated in the source file)
конечный файлresulting file (Andy)
конечный элементleaf member (A member that has no descendents. Rori)
конечный элементleaf member (A member that has no descendents)
конечный эффект анимацииexit animation effect (An animation effect that is applied to text or pictures exiting a PowerPoint presentation)
Неправильный псевдоним конечного объектаTarget Alias Failed (Windows 8 Rori)
окончательная версия для загрузки через интернет на конечное устройство пользователяweb release (Alex_Odeychuk)
окончательная версия для загрузки через интернет на конечное устройство пользователяrelease to web (Alex_Odeychuk)
планирование от конечной датыbackward scheduling
политика данных для действия конечной точкиendpoint action data policy (A policy that determines which XML elements in a document are valid for a particular action associated with an endpoint)
политика действий конечной точкиendpoint action policy (A policy that determines which actions are valid for a particular endpoint)
приложение конечного пользователя DuetDuet end-user application (A set of metadata and code artifacts that together enable a specific business scenario on top of the mySAP ERP 2004 system. For example, Budget Monitoring, Leave Management, Team Management, and Time Management applications)
Просмотр процесса создания отчёта с точки зрения конечного пользователяView how the report process will appear to the end user of this report (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
псевдоним конечного объекта:target alias (Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista SP1 Rori)
путь конечного объектаdestination path (Windows Vista и Windows Server 2008 (но не во всех случаях, в предложениях типа: Recovery destination path is a file, not a directory – Путем конечного объекта восстановления является файл, а не каталог) Alex Lilo)
рабочий процесс конечного автоматаstate machine workflow (A workflow that is modeled in an event-driven manner as a state machine. Rori)
сопоставитель конечных точекendpoint mapper (A service on a remote procedure call (RPC) server that maintains a database of dynamic endpoints and allows clients to map an interface/object UUID pair to a local dynamic endpoint)
состояние конечной точкиendpoint state (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
установка меток времени в конечный файлTime-Stamping Destination File (Windows 10 Rori)