
Terms for subject Microsoft containing компоненты данных | all forms
база данных компонентовcomponent database (A central database that holds the metadata necessary to define one or more componentized OSs. Includes platforms, components, repositories, resource types and groups, but not configurations)
база данных параметров компонентовcomponent settings database (A database that stores service information for each portal site in a deployment)
Данные о регистрации компонента, на которые ссылается файл, недоступныthe component registrar referenced in this file is not available (Windows Vista)
Изучение функциональных возможностей данного компонентаReview identified component functionality (Project 2007 Rori)
компонент внешних данныхexternal data part (A set of controls that interact with external data through BCS)
компонент обработчика данныхData Processor component (A component of the report server engine that processes data)
компоненты доступа к данным Windows DACWindows Data Access Components (A suite of data access APIs that ship with the Windows operating system. Data Access Components includes three major API surfaces-ADO, OLE DB, and ODBC-each of which is optimized for a different set of applications. All three major components of Data Access Components employ the provider model, which allows access to a variety of data sources using a virtually identical set of programmatic calls)
компоненты доступа к данным MDACMicrosoft Data Access Components (A suite of data access APIs that ship with the Windows operating system. Data Access Components includes three major API surfaces-ADO, OLE DB, and ODBC-each of which is optimized for a different set of applications. All three major components of Data Access Components employ the provider model, which allows access to a variety of data sources using a virtually identical set of programmatic calls)
компоненты доступа к данным Windows DACWindows DAC (A suite of data access APIs that ship with the Windows operating system. Data Access Components includes three major API surfaces-ADO, OLE DB, and ODBC-each of which is optimized for a different set of applications. All three major components of Data Access Components employ the provider model, which allows access to a variety of data sources using a virtually identical set of programmatic calls)
компоненты доступа к данным Windows DACMicrosoft Data Access Components
Создать компоненты в фабрике адаптера данныхCreate components in data adapter factory (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)