
Terms for subject Stock Exchange containing книгой | all forms
Американская коричневая книгаAmerican tan book (dimock)
держатель лимитных книгorder book official (dimock)
единая книга учётаcentralized limit order book (dimock)
книга заявокorder book (Zhem4ug)
книга заявокbookbuilding (triumfov)
книга лимитированных порученийlimit order book (dimock)
книга учётаlimit order book (dimock)
Международная книга заказовInternational Order Book (Лондонская фондовая биржа. The International Order Book (IOB) is the market for trading liquid overseas securities. The market is based on an electronic order book similar to SETS but with the added option for member firms to display their identity pre-trade by using Named Orders. Currently almost 90 developing markets depositary receipts are traded on IOB. The depositary receipts are issued by large companies from countries in Central & Eastern Europe, Asia and Mediterranean. The IOB offers easy and cost efficient access for investors looking to invest in fast growing economies that otherwise are onerous or costly to access directly. londonstockexchange-ir.com Kovrigin)
International Order Book, Международная книга запросовIOB (Kovrigin)
открыть книгу заявокstart bookbuilding (for an IPO triumfov)
передать "книгу"pass the book (передача торговой позиции по ценным бумагам из одного офиса брокерской фирмы в другой по мере завершения торговли в одном финансовом центре и начале торговли в другом soulveig)