
Terms for subject Microsoft containing книга | all forms | exact matches only
автономная адресная книгаoffline address book
автономная адресная книгаOAB (A snapshot of information from an address book that has been downloaded so that an Outlook user can access it while disconnected from the server. It contains the properties of a user, such as e-mail addresses, that Outlook requires to send an e-mail message and display information about the sender)
адресная книгаaddress book (A collection of contact information for particular individuals, groups or organizations)
адресная книгаAddress Book (A directory that you can use to store names, e-mail addresses, fax numbers, and distribution lists)
блокировка книгиworkbook lock (Office System 2010 ssn)
блокировка рабочей книгиworkbook lock (ssn)
главная книгаledger (The part of an accounting system that is used for classifying the monetary value of economic transactions by using a chart of accounts, a fiscal calendar, and one or more currencies)
XBRL–Главная книгаXBRL–General Ledger (XBRL messages that contain financial transactions and which provide a standard understanding of what a journal ledger posting is or what a depreciation posting is)
Главная книгаLedger Sheets (A feature that enables users to perform common financial management tasks, such as balancing a checkbook, tracking accounts, or managing investment porfolios, by using a set of Excel templates)
главная книгаgeneral ledger (The register of debit and credit entries classified using accounts listed in a chart of accounts)
глобальная адресная книгаglobal address book (A complete list of party records)
гостевая книгаGuestbook (The checkbox customers select to include their guestbook in the updates that they share about themselves. This text links to Spaces)
гостевая книгаguestbook (A module in Spaces where visitors can leave comments)
Группа расходов будущих периодов не отвечает книге налогов по расходам.Deferrals group does not match tax deferrals book. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
иерархическая адресная книгаHAB (A feature of Outlook that allows members of an organization to be displayed in a tree view control, grouped by department)
иерархическая адресная книгаhierarchical address book (A feature of Outlook that allows members of an organization to be displayed in a tree view control, grouped by department)
книга амортизацииdepreciation book (A specific book used for reporting purposes that contains all depreciation transactions for assets that are valid for that book)
Книга операций по зарплатеPayroll Ledger Entry (Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 Rori)
Книга операций по обслуживаниюMaintenance Ledger Entry (Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 Rori)
Книга операций сотрудниковEmployee Ledger Entry (Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 Rori)
Книга основных средствFixed Asset Ledger (Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 Rori)
книга производной амортизацииderived depreciation book (A specific book used to copy transactions entered for a value model to the specific depreciation book. Can be used when assets are acquired so that the acquisition transaction needs to be entered only once instead of for each value model and depreciation book)
книга учётаledger (The part of an accounting system that is used for classifying the monetary value of economic transactions by using a chart of accounts, a fiscal calendar, and one or more currencies)
книга учёта налоговsales tax book (A record of sales and purchase transactions for sales tax reporting in Italy)
код книгиbook code (A predefined dimension that is used to differentiate between different modeling scenarios. For example, you can use this dimension to track values for budget, actual, and forecasted scenarios for any given period of time. It is automatically included with every model)
Код книги амортизацииDepreciation Book Code (Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 Rori)
Необходимо выбрать книгу до запуска этого отчётаyou must select a book before running this report. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
общая адресная книгаshared address book (An Address Book that contains entries for every group, user, and contact within an organization's implementation of Exchange Server)
общая книгаshared workbook (A workbook that is configured to allow multiple users on a network to view and make changes at the same time. Each user who saves the workbook sees the changes that are made by other users)
окно книгиworkbook window (The window that contains the user's workbook of tabbed sheets)
Операции с уникальным ключом, используемые для выполнения периодических физических разносок в главную книгуUnique key vouchers, used when posting periodic physical postings in the ledger (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
операция обновления главной книгиledger update transaction
Подробности по книге операций клиентовCustomer Ledger Entry Details (Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 Rori)
проводка обновления главной книгиledger update transaction (A system transaction that tracks and reports what has been posted to the ledger)
рабочая книгаworkbook (One matrix, or a collection of matrixes, that use a single model site as a data source)
распространение автономной адресной книгиoffline address book distribution
распространение автономной адресной книгиOAB distribution (The method by which the offline address book (OAB) can be accessed by users when they are working remotely or over a dial-up connection. To distribute the OAB, administrators can use Web-based distribution, public folder distribution, or both. Public folder distribution is required for Outlook 2003 or earlier clients)
роли глобальной адресной книгиglobal address book roles (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 ssn)
сверка главной книгиledger reconciliation (The practice of reconciling general ledger accounts)
Сделать доступными функции раздела книги учёта налогов.Enable sales tax book section functionality (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1)
сопоставление операций главной книгиledger settlement
Существуют расхождения книги продаж с расчётами с бюджетом по НДС.A sales book amount is in imbalance with a VAT payable account. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
счёт главной книгиaccount (The type of record – asset, liability, revenue, expense, or owner's equity – traditionally used for recording individual transactions in an accounting system)
точка распространения автономной адресной книгиOAB distribution point (The HTTP Web address or public folder where client computers can download an offline address book. Public folder distribution is required for Outlook 2003 or earlier clients)
точка распространения автономной адресной книгиoffline address book distribution point
фильтр по коду книги амортизацииDepreciation Book Code Filter (Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 Rori)
формирование автономной адресной книгиOAB generation (The process by which Exchange Server creates and updates the OAB. Administrators can define when the OAB generation process will run)
формирование автономной адресной книгиoffline address book generation
электронная книгаeBook (An electronic book product offered by Microsoft)
электронная книгаelectronic book