
Terms for subject Microsoft containing ключом | all forms | exact matches only
агент восстановления ключейkey recovery agent (microsoft.com bojana)
активация ключа продуктаRedeem product key (Microsoft Online Services (MOS) – Microsoft Office 365 Wave 15 GA – March 2013 Rori)
алгоритм с использованием открытых ключейpublic key algorithm (An asymmetric cipher that uses two keys, one for encryption, the public key, and the other for decryption, the private key. As implied by the key names, the public key used to encode plaintext can be made available to anyone. However, the private key must remain secret. Only the private key can decrypt the ciphertext. The public key algorithm used in this process is slow (on the order of 1,000 times slower than symmetric algorithms), and is typically used to encrypt session keys or digitally sign a message)
альтернативный ключalternate key (A candidate key that is not designated as the primary key and is used to uniquely identify records in a database table)
аппаратный ключdongle (A security device connected to an input/output port to permit the use of a particular software package on that computer. The use of the hardware key hash permits backup copying of software but prevents its unlicensed use on additional computers)
аппаратный ключdongle
ассоциация на основе внешнего ключаforeign key association (An association between entities that is managed through foreign key properties)
Атрибут имеет составной ключ и не может быть обновлён с использованием данного синтаксиса обратной записиthe attribute has a composite key and cannot be updated using this writeback syntax. (SQL Server 2012)
атрибут первичного ключаPrimary Key Attribute (Visio 2013 Rori)
блокировка диапазона ключаkey range lock (A lock that is used to lock ranges between records in a table to prevent phantom additions to, or deletions from, a set of records. Ensures serializable transactions)
в базу данных распространителя добавлены команды отложенного создания внешних ключей для статьи "0"Inserted deferred foreign key creation commands for article "0" into the distribution database (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
внешний ключexternal key (A file that contains information to access cryptographically locked data, which is stored away from the system, such as on a USB flash drive)
главный ключmaster key (The key used by the client and server for all session key generation. The master key is used to generate the client-read key, the client-write key, the server-read key, and the server-write key. Master keys can be exported as simple key BLOBs)
главный ключ томаVMK (Volume Master Key oszone.net bojana)
главный ключ томаVolume Master Key (oszone.net bojana)
диапазон ключаkey range (ssn)
Добавляет предохранитель внешнего ключа для восстановленияAdds an External Key protector for recovery (Windows Vista SP1, Windows Server 2008)
естественный ключnatural key (A primary key or alternate key whose values identify objects in the real world)
запрос ключаKey Query (Windows 8 Rori)
зарубежный ключforeign key (A set of fields whose values are migrated from a primary key or an alternate key from a parent table)
значения ключа ссылокreference key values (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
значок ключаkey icon (Windows 8 Rori)
ИД ключаkey ID (A value that identifies the key for a packaged Windows Media file)
идентификатор ключаkey identifier (A globally unique identifier that uniquely identifies content for the purposes of licensing)
идентификатор ключа субъектаsubject key identifier (A certificate extension that contains a hash of the certification authority's certificate public key. This hash is placed in the Authority Key Identifier (AKI) extension of all issued certificates to facilitate chain building)
идентификатор ключа центра сертификацииAuthority Key Identifier (A certificate extension used by the certificate chaining engine to determine what certificate was used to sign a presented certificate. The AKI can contain the issuer name, serial number, public key information, or no information at all. By matching the information in a certificate's AKI extension to a CA certificate's Subject Key Identifier (SKI) extension, a certificate chain can be built)
иерархия инфраструктуры открытых ключейpublic key infrastructure hierarchy (A hierarchy in which the roles of the certification authority are separated into one root CA and one or more subordinate CAs)
имя ключа поискаsearch key name (Andy)
индекс ключаkey index (The location where a specific network key for a wireless access point is stored)
инфраструктура открытых ключейpublic key infrastructure (The laws, policies, standards, and software that regulate or manipulate certificates and public and private keys. In practice, it is a system of digital certificates, certification authorities, and other registration authorities that verify and authenticate the validity of each party involved in an electronic transaction. Standards for PKI are still evolving, even though they are being widely implemented as a necessary element of electronic commerce)
карточка с ключом продуктаproduct key card (A physical card on which a product key is printed)
клиентская пара ключейDesktop Keypair (The Desktop keys that are stored in memory on the client machine during authentication)
клиентский ключ многократной установкиcustomer-specific volume license key (A unique volume license key used to activate a key management service (KMS) host or to enable volume software licenses to be issued and managed from Active Directory)
клиентский ключ многократной установкиcustomer-specific volume license key (A unique volume license key used to activate a key management service (KMS) host or to enable volume software licenses to be issued and managed from Active Directory. Rori)
ключ авторизацииauthorization key (Andy)
ключ безопасностиsecurity key (An identifier used by two APPC logical units (LUs) to validate security when a session is activated. The security key performs a function similar to that of a password, but at the LU-LU session level rather than at the TP-conversation level)
ключ безопасности сетиnetwork security key (A password that can help protect wireless networks from unauthorized access. A network security key encrypts information sent from one network computer to another so that the information can only be read by someone who has the key)
ключ-в-ключ свойствоkey-to-key property (ssn)
ключ возобновленияresume key (A key supplied by the SMB client that allows the system to reference the handle during a resume operation after a failover)
ключ восстановленияrecovery key (A key that is used for recovering data that is encrypted on a BitLocker volume. This key is cryptographically equivalent to a startup key. If available, the recovery key decrypts the volume master key, which in turn decrypts the full volume encryption key. The recovery key is stored on a USB flash drive. To use the recovery key, a user inserts the USB flash drive and then restarts the computer)
ключ восстановления BitLockerBitLocker recovery key (A special key that you can create when you turn on Bitlocker Drive Encryption for the first time on each drive that you encrypt)
ключ восстановленияrecovery key (в шифровании диска BitLocker bojana)
ключ доступаpasskey (A number similar to a personal identification number (PIN) that identifies (or authenticates) a Bluetooth enabled device to a computer)
ключ доступа к хранилищуstorage access key (A value that is unique to a storage account and that can be used to connect to the storage account from code running in a Windows Azure cloud service, locally on a developer's machine, or anywhere else that has Internet connectivity)
ключ задачиtask key (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
ключ запускаstartup key (A key that is stored on a USB flash drive that must be inserted each time the computer starts)
ключ к хранилищу данныхstorage key (A Base64 encoded identification string required to access storage accounts in Azure that is created automatically when creating a storage account. Rori)
ключ классаclass key (The subset of data members of a class whose values uniquely identify an instance of the class)
ключ компакт-дискаCD Key (" A 10- or 11-digit number used to create the Product ID number for products that ship on CD. It is effectively the "serial number" for that particular CD.")
ключ многократной активацииMAK (Multiple Activation Key microsoft.com bojana)
ключ многократной активацииmultiple activation key (A volume license key that is used for one-time activation with activation services that are hosted by Microsoft)
ключ многократной активацииMultiple Activation Key (MAK microsoft.com bojana)
ключ многократной установкиmulti-activation key (A product key that is provided to Microsoft customers who choose a Microsoft Volume Licensing program for their organizations and that allows multiple installations of a particular product. The key is assigned to a company or institution intended for their sole use and only for distribution to employees or third parties who are authorized to install and distribute licenses pursuant to the terms of their license agreement)
ключ многократной установкиvolume license product key (A product key that is provided to Microsoft customers who choose a Microsoft Volume Licensing program for their organizations and that allows multiple installations of a particular product. The key is assigned to a company or institution intended for their sole use and only for distribution to employees or third parties who are authorized to install and distribute licenses pursuant to the terms of their license agreement)
ключ многократной установкиvolume license key (A product key that is provided to Microsoft customers who choose a Microsoft Volume Licensing program for their organizations and that allows multiple installations of a particular product. The key is assigned to a company or institution intended for their sole use and only for distribution to employees or third parties who are authorized to install and distribute licenses pursuant to the terms of their license agreement)
ключ многократной установкиVLK (A product key that is provided to Microsoft customers who choose a Microsoft Volume Licensing program for their organizations and that allows multiple installations of a particular product. The key is assigned to a company or institution intended for their sole use and only for distribution to employees or third parties who are authorized to install and distribute licenses pursuant to the terms of their license agreement)
ключ многократной установкиVolume Licensing Key (Dirk Pitt)
ключ, на который указывает ссылкаreferenced key (A primary key or unique key referenced by a foreign key)
ключ, на который указывает ссылкаreferenced key (A primary key or unique key referenced by a foreign key. Rori)
ключ подписания зоныZone Signing Key (ZSK cctld.ru bojana)
ключ подписания зоныZSK (Zone Signing Key cctld.ru bojana)
ключ подписывания зоныzone signing key (A public key corresponding to a private key that is used to sign one or more DNS record sets within a zone, below the zone apex)
ключ подписывания зоныzone-signing key (A public key corresponding to a private key that is used to sign one or more DNS record sets within a zone, below the zone apex)
ключ подписывания зоны, ZSKZSK (A public key corresponding to a private key that is used to sign one or more DNS record sets within a zone, below the zone apex)
ключ подписывания ключаKSK (Key Signing Key microsoft.com bojana)
ключ подписывания ключа, KSKKSK (A public key corresponding to a private key that is used to sign one or more DNS record sets at the zone apex)
ключ подписывания ключаkey-signing key (A public key corresponding to a private key that is used to sign one or more DNS record sets at the zone apex)
ключ подписывания ключаkey signing key (A public key corresponding to a private key that is used to sign one or more DNS record sets at the zone apex)
ключ подписывания ключаKey Signing Key (KSK microsoft.com bojana)
ключ подтвержденияendorsement key (A key pair, consisting of a public key and a private key, which is used to verify that a TPM is genuine)
ключ поискаsearch key (The value that is to be searched for in a document or any collection of data)
ключ продуктаproduct key
ключ разблокировки PIN-кодаPIN unlock key (An 8-digit code used to unlock the SIM card. A Personal Unlocking Key is a type of personal identification number (PIN))
ключ распределения номенклатурыitem allocation key (A product family grouping that is used for forecast and demand scheduling)
ключ репликиreplica key (A 4-byte value that maps to a replica ID in a replica key map)
ключ ситуацииcase key (The element of a case by which the case is referenced within a case set)
ключ содержимогоcontent key (The cryptographic key used to both encrypt and decrypt protected content during publishing and consumption)
ключ сокращенияreduction principle (A method for specifying the consumption of sales forecast requirements and purchase forecast requirements that are used in master scheduling. Rori)
ключ сокращенияreduction principle (A method for specifying the consumption of sales forecast requirements and purchase forecast requirements that are used in master scheduling)
ключ ссылокreference key (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
ключ сущностиentity key (A reference to an entity of a specific entity type)
ключ токенаtoken key (stachel)
ключ удостоверения подлинностиattestation identity key (The cryptographic representation of the hardware or software state and other integrity metrics, and which can be used to perform anonymous or pseudo-anonymous attestations to remote parties in multiparty transactions)
ключ удостоверения подлинностиAIK (The cryptographic representation of the hardware or software state and other integrity metrics, and which can be used to perform anonymous or pseudo-anonymous attestations to remote parties in multiparty transactions)
ключ форматаformat switch (A switch (\*) or instruction that specifies the capitalization, numeral style, and character formatting that Microsoft Word uses in a field result)
ключ цветаcolor key (A color used for transparent or translucent effects. An overlay surface is displayed in the region of the primary surface that contains the color key. In video production, color keys are used to combine two video signals)
ключ числового форматаnumeric picture switch (A switch (\) or instruction that specifies how Microsoft Word will display the numeric result of a field)
ключ шифрованияnetwork key (A password that can help protect wireless networks from unauthorized access. A network security key encrypts information sent from one network computer to another so that the information can only be read by someone who has the key)
ключ шифрования всего томаFVEK (Full Volume Encryption Key oszone.net bojana)
ключ шифрования всего томаFull Volume Encryption Key (oszone.net bojana)
ключ шифрования данныхdata encryption key (A bit string that is used in conjunction with an encryption algorithm to encrypt and decrypt data)
ID код ключаkey
корневой ключ доверияtrusted root key (An encryption key used in Configuration Manager to help clients identify valid management points)
корневой ключ хранилищаstorage root key (On a system that incorporates a TPM, a cryptographic asymmetric key which is created at the root of the TPM key hierarchy (2048-bit RSA key) and which is used by the TPM to store protected data. The private portion of this key never leaves the TPM. The public part of this key is returned to the owner and needs to be carefully guarded since it uniquely identifies the TPM on the network, therefore is privacy sensitive)
корневой ключ хранилищаSRK (On a system that incorporates a TPM, a cryptographic asymmetric key which is created at the root of the TPM key hierarchy (2048-bit RSA key) and which is used by the TPM to store protected data. The private portion of this key never leaves the TPM. The public part of this key is returned to the owner and needs to be carefully guarded since it uniquely identifies the TPM on the network, therefore is privacy sensitive)
криптографический ключcryptographic key (A piece of data that is required to initialize a cryptographic algorithm)
лицензионный ключlicensing key (A short character string that serves as a password during the installation of licensed commercial software. The use of licensing keys is a security device aimed at reducing illegal duplication of licensed software)
лицензионный ключlicense key (A short character string that serves as a password during the installation of licensed commercial software. The use of licensing keys is a security device aimed at reducing illegal duplication of licensed software)
личный ключ доступаpersonal access key (Alex_Odeychuk)
мастер ключейKey Master (A DNS server role that is responsible for all DNSSEC key management for a specific DNSSEC-signed DNS zone. Different DNS zones can have different Key Masters. The Key Master role can be moved from one DNS server to a different DNS server, but a DNS zone can have only one Key Master at a given time. To be a Key Master, the DNS server must be authoritative for the DNS zone, the zone must be signed with DNSSEC, and the DNS server must be selected to be the Key Master for the DNS zone)
материал ключаkeying material
набор ключейKeyring (Artjaazz)
недопустимый ключinvalid key (Visual Studio 2010 ssn)
незащищённый ключclear key (The key that is stored unencrypted on the disk volume. This key is used to freely access the volume master key, and in turn, the full volume encryption key when BitLocker Drive Encryption protection is disabled but the disk volume remains encrypted)
обновление на основе ключейkey-based renewal (A method of renewing a certificate using the existing key material as the sole form of authentication)
обновление на основе ключейkey-based renewal (A method of renewing a certificate using the existing key material as the sole form of authentication. Rori)
общий ключPre-shared key (An option that allows the user to view the code that can be used to authenticate IPSec/L2TP connections (typically VPN connections))
общий ключpre-shared key (harser)
Операции с уникальным ключом, используемые для выполнения периодических физических разносок в главную книгуUnique key vouchers, used when posting periodic physical postings in the ledger (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
основной ключ томаvolume master key (An advanced encryption standard (AES) 256-bit key that is used by BitLocker Drive Encryption to encrypt the full volume encryption key. There is only one volume master key per volume)
пакет лицензионных ключейlicense key pack (A digital representation of one or more licenses. Rori)
пара "ключ-значение"key-value pair (A set of data items that contains a unique identifier, called a key, and a value that is the actual data for the key)
пара ключейkey pair (A private key and its related public key)
парный главный ключPMK (A 256-bit key derived from the Extensible Authentication Protocol-Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS) or Protected EAP (PEAP) authentication process)
парный главный ключPairwise Master Key (A 256-bit key derived from the Extensible Authentication Protocol-Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS) or Protected EAP (PEAP) authentication process)
первичный ключprimary key (One or more fields that uniquely identify each record in a table. In the same way that a license plate number identifies a car, the primary key uniquely identifies a record)
перемещение ключейkey roaming (The process of moving between different environments or computers while authenitcated by certificates or keys centrally stored on a server)
повторное создание ключейrekey
повторяющиеся значения ключа ссылокduplicate reference key values (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
повторяющиеся значения ключа ссылок в процессе кэширования ссылочных данныхduplicate reference key values when caching reference data (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
повторяющиеся ключи в ссылочных данныхduplicate keys in the reference data (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
полный ключ шифрования томаfull volume encryption key (The algorithm-specific key that is used to encrypt (and optionally, diffuse) data on disk sectors. Currently, this key can be either 128 bits or 256 bits advanced encryption standard (AES). The default encryption algorithm that BitLocker Drive Encryption uses is AES 128 bit with diffuser)
потенциальный ключcandidate key (A column or set of columns that have a unique value for each row in a table)
предварительный ключpre-shared key (Win XP platon)
предохранитель ключаkey protector
принудительное назначение ключейkey dictation (The action by a Trusted Intermediary Agent of determining the key that will be used in an IPsec connection)
прозрачность цветового ключаcolor key transparency (A method for blending texture maps so that parts appear transparent. Color key transparency accomplishes this by defining a single color as transparent)
производный ключderived key (A cryptographic key created by a call to CryptDeriveKey. A derived key can be created from a password, or any other user data. Derived keys allow applications to create session keys as needed, eliminating the need to store a particular key)
прокси-служба центра распространения ключейKey Distribution Center proxy service (A service that runs on corporate network edge servers to proxy Kerberos protocol messages to domain controllers which are situated on the corporate network. This permits Kerberos authentication to edge services such as Remote Desktop Services Gateway or DirectAccess Server)
расширенное использование ключаextended key usage (An extended property value that specifies the uses for which a certificate is valid)
расширенное использование ключаenhanced key usage (An extended property value that specifies the uses for which a certificate is valid)
расширенное использование ключа, EKUEKU (An extended property value that specifies the uses for which a certificate is valid)
расширенное использование ключаEKU
розничный ключretail key (A type of product key required during the installation of Windows)
секретный ключsecret key (A symmetric encryption key shared by two entities, such as between a user and the domain controller (DC), with a long lifetime. A password is a common example of a secret key. When used in a context that implies Kerberos only, a principal's secret key)
сервер управления ключами Microsoft ExchangeMicrosoft Exchange Key Management Server (The Exchange computer on which the Key Management Service has been installed. There can be one Key Management Server per administrative group)
сервер управления ключамиKMS (The Exchange computer on which the Key Management Service has been installed. There can be one Key Management Server per administrative group)
сервер управления ключамиKey Management server
сертификат инфраструктуры открытых ключейPublic Key Infrastructure certificate (A system of digital certificates, certification authorities, and other registration authorities that verify and authenticate the validity of each party involved in an electronic transaction)
симметричный ключsymmetric key (The cryptographic key used to both encrypt and decrypt protected content during publishing and consumption)
служба группового распространения ключейMicrosoft Group Key Distribution Service An Active Directory Domain Services service that provides cryptographic keys that correspond to arbitrary sets of security principals in AD DS to users who are authorized to access those keys (Майкрософт)
служба группового распространения ключейGroup Key Distribution Service (An Active Directory Domain Services service that provides cryptographic keys that correspond to arbitrary sets of security principals in AD DS to users who are authorized to access those keys)
служба управления ключамиKey Management Service (An optional Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server component that is installed on a designated server in an administrative group. It provides centralized administration and archival of private keys, and maintains every user s private encryption key in an encrypted database. The keys are used for encrypting e-mail messages and signing messages with digital signatures)
служба управления ключамиKMS (Key Management Service microsoft.com bojana)
служба управления ключамиKey Management Services
смена ключейkey rollover (The process by which an existing cryptographic key is replaced with a new cryptographic key and associated signatures are updated)
составной ключcomposite key (A key whose definition consists of two or more fields in a file, columns in a table, or attributes in a relation)
суррогатный ключsurrogate key (A single attribute candidate key whose values are system-generated and that does not represent properties that identify objects in the real world)
Уникальный ключ для идентификации электронной подписиUnique key for electronic signature identification (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
управляемый набором ключей курсорkeyset-driven cursor (A cursor that shows the effects of updates made to its member rows by other users while the cursor is open, but does not show the effects of inserts or deletes)
управляемый набором ключей курсорkeyset-driven cursor (A cursor that shows the effects of updates made to its member rows by other users while the cursor is open, but does not show the effects of inserts or deletes. Rori)
Установите длину ключа и параметры экспорта для закрытого ключаSet the key length and export options for the private key (Windows Vista SP1, Windows 8)
файл внешнего ключаexternal key file (A file that contains the external key and is stored on an external media device. The name and contents of the file are internal to Microsoft and can change from version to version)
файл внешнего ключаexternal key file (A file that contains the external key and is stored on an external media device. The name and contents of the file are internal to Microsoft and can change from version to version. Rori)
файл главного ключаstash file (A local file that holds the master key for the Kerberos database)
Файл закрытого ключаPrivate Key File (Andy)
функция формирования ключаKDF (A cryptographic function that generates key material from a secret value)
функция формирования ключаkey derivation function (ssn)
Хеш-код архивированного сертификата с ключомArchived Key Cert Hash (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
центр распространения ключей, KDCKDC (A network service that supplies session tickets and temporary session keys to users and computers within an Active Directory domain. The KDC runs on each domain controller as part of Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS))
центр распространения ключейKey Distribution Center (A network service that supplies session tickets and temporary session keys to users and computers within an Active Directory domain. The KDC runs on each domain controller as part of Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS))
центр распространения ключейKDC
централизованное хранилище ключейcentrally managed key storage (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
шифрование ключаkey encipherment (The creation of a randomly-generated symmetric key to encrypt file data)
шифрование с открытым ключомpublic key encryption (A method of encryption that uses a pair of mathematically related keys: a public key and a corresponding private key. Either key can be used to encrypt data, but the corresponding key must be used to decrypt it)
это действие удаляет сохранённый предохранитель внешнего ключа с тома операционной системыthis action removes the stored external key from the OS volume. (Windows Vista Rori)