
Terms for subject Microsoft containing качестве | all forms | exact matches only
Адаптивные показатели качества обслуживанияAdaptive SQM (An extension to SQM that allows Microsoft to cause clients sending reports matching a pattern to perform some predefined action)
Базу данных "%1!s!" нельзя настроить для работы в качестве базы данных распространителя, поскольку для неё включено отслеживание измененийDatabase "%1!s!" can not be configured as a distribution database because it has change tracking enabled (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
в качестве уникального указания на элемент, которое легко сериализоватьunique reference to the item that can be easily serialized (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
Выберите поле, которое будет использоваться в качестве базовой даты расчётаSelect field that will be used as a calculation base date. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
добавление процесса в качестве запускаемой программы для пользователяadding the process as startup program for user (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
индикатор качества обслуживанияquality-of-service indicator (A statistic that indicates the degree to which a computer, server farm, or server cluster meets usage demands for that configuration)
использование строкового литерала в качестве аргумента шаблонаuse of a string literal as a template argument (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
качество взаимодействияQuality of Experience (A measurement of a user's perception of the quality of an audio communication session. For example, in a voice communication, QoE monitors echoes and background noises such as hissing in the line)
качество взаимодействияQoE (A measurement of a user's perception of the quality of an audio communication session. For example, in a voice communication, QoE monitors echoes and background noises such as hissing in the line)
качество обслуживанияQoS (A set of quality assurance standards and mechanisms for data transmission)
качество обслуживанияquality of service (A set of quality assurance standards and mechanisms for data transmission)
качество цветопередачиbit specification (The number of colors or levels of gray that can be displayed at one time. The amount or memory in the computer's graphics controller card controls the display. An 8-bit controller can display 256 colors or levels of gray; a 16-bit controller, 64,000 colors; and a 24-bit controller, 16.8 million colors)
недовольство низким качествомquality dissatisfaction (The dissatisfaction that occurs when the quality of a release is poor)
недопустимое использование строкового литерала в качестве аргумента шаблонаinvalid use of a string literal as a template argument (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
оценка качества взаимодействияQoE estimate (QoE is a measurement of a user's perception of the quality of an audio communication session. For example, in a voice communication, QoE monitors echoes and background noises such as hissing in the line Alex_Odeychuk)
палитра, независимая от качества обозревателяbrowser-safe palette
повысить качествоfine tune quality (Alex_Odeychuk)
показатели качества обслуживанияservice quality metrics (A collection of statistics that indicates the degree to which a service meets performance, usage, and other demands for the service)
показатели качества службService Quality Metrics
Пользователи из-за пределов сети организации могут подключаться в качестве непроверенных участников.People outside of your company's network are allowed to join as unverified participants (Office Communicator Web Access 2007 R2 Rori)
понизить качествоdownsample (To decrease the number of audio samples or pixels, by applying an operation such as averaging. Popular internet music formats, such as MP3, use down-sampling to reduce file size)
программа улучшения качества Windows ServerWindows Server customer experience improvement program (ssn)
программа улучшения качества Windows ServerWindows Server CEIP (The Microsoft Customer Experience Improvement Program that is deployed with Windows Server)
программа улучшения качества программного обеспеченияCustomer Experience Improvement Program
программа улучшения качества программного обеспечения, CEIPCEIP (A Microsoft program that invites customers to provide Microsoft with more detailed information about how the software is used including the type and frequency of errors, software and hardware performance, and feature usage. This information is anonymous and voluntary, and is used strictly for the purposes of software development)
программа улучшения качества программного обеспеченияCEIP
процесс в качестве запускаемой программы для пользователяprocess as startup program for user (ssn)
сохранение пользовательских свойств в качестве шаблонаSave Custom Properties as a Template (Windows 8 Rori)
схема управления качествомTotal Quality Management diagram (A flowchart used to compare current and ideal processes, and to understand how the steps in a process work together)
схема управления качествомTQM diagram (A flowchart used to compare current and ideal processes, and to understand how the steps in a process work together)
требование к качеству обслуживанияquality of service requirement (A type of work item that records a constraint on the system such as performance, load, stress, security mechanism, or platform. These requirements do not describe functionality but rather constraints on that functionality)
уведомления о качестве видеоvideo quality notifications (Alerts to Lync users about the quality of the network, computer, camera, and lighting conditions)
черновое качествоdrag