
Terms for subject Astronomy containing карликовые | all forms | exact matches only
жёлтая карликовая звездаyellow dwarf star (ВосьМой)
Карликовая галактика в Большом ПсеCanis Major dwarf galaxy (wikipedia.org dimock)
карликовая голубая компактная галактикаBCD (Alex_Odeychuk)
карликовая голубая компактная галактикаblue compact dwarf galaxy (A blue compact dwarf galaxy (BCD) is the lowest luminosity type of starburst galaxy. It is a small galaxy, about one-tenth the size of a typical large spiral such as the Milky Way, that appears blue by virtue of containing large clusters of hot, massive stars, which ionize the surrounding interstellar gas with their intense ultraviolet radiation. These massive blue stars are very young by stellar standards – under ten million years or so old. They were created in a huge starburst, a violent episode of star formation that in some cases engulfs an entire galaxy. daviddarling.info 'More)
карликовая голубая компактная галактикаdBCG (Alex_Odeychuk)
карликовая звездаdwarf star
карликовая звездаdwarf
карликовая неправильная галактикаdwarf irregular galaxy (A dI-galaxy (or dIrr) is a dwarf irregular galaxy. This type of galaxy is now thought to be important to understand the overall evolution of galaxies, as they tend to have a low level of metallicity and relatively high levels of gas, and are thought to be similar to the earliest galaxies that populated the Universe. They may represent a local (and therefore more recent) version of the faint blue galaxies known to exist in deep field galaxy surveys. wikipedia.org 'More)
карликовая неправильная галактикаdIrr galaxy (A dI-galaxy (or dIrr) is a dwarf irregular galaxy. This type of galaxy is now thought to be important to understand the overall evolution of galaxies, as they tend to have a low level of metallicity and relatively high levels of gas, and are thought to be similar to the earliest galaxies that populated the Universe. They may represent a local (and therefore more recent) version of the faint blue galaxies known to exist in deep field galaxy surveys. wikipedia.org 'More)
карликовая неправильная галактикаdI-galaxy (A dI-galaxy (or dIrr) is a dwarf irregular galaxy. This type of galaxy is now thought to be important to understand the overall evolution of galaxies, as they tend to have a low level of metallicity and relatively high levels of gas, and are thought to be similar to the earliest galaxies that populated the Universe. They may represent a local (and therefore more recent) version of the faint blue galaxies known to exist in deep field galaxy surveys. wikipedia.org 'More)
карликовая неправильная галактикаdIr (Alex_Odeychuk)
карликовая новаяdwarf nova
карликовая спиральная галактикаdwarf spiral galaxy (разновидность спиральных галактик, отличающаяся небольшими размерами (меньше 5 кпк), слабой светимостью и низкой поверхностной яркостью. Карликовые спиральные галактики относят к подклассу карликовых галактик. Карликовые спиральные галактики, особенно аналоги спиральных галактик типов Sa-Sc, чрезвычайно редки, в то время как карликовые эллиптические или карликовые неправильные галактики широко распространены во Вселенной. Alex_Odeychuk)
карликовая сфероидальная галактикаdwarf spheroidal galaxy (A dwarf spheroidal galaxy (dSph) is a term in astronomy applied to small, low-luminosity galaxies with very little dust and an older stellar population. They are found in the Local Group as companions to the Milky Way and as systems that are companions to the Andromeda Galaxy (M31). While similar to dwarf elliptical galaxies in appearance and properties such as little to no gas or dust or recent star formation, they are approximately spheroidal in shape and generally have lower luminosity. wikipedia.org 'More)
карликовая сфероидальная галактикаdSph (Alex_Odeychuk)
карликовая эллиптическая галактикаdwarf elliptical galaxy (Dwarf elliptical galaxies (dEs) are elliptical galaxies that are smaller than ordinary elliptical galaxies. They are quite common in galaxy groups and clusters, and are usually companions to other galaxies. wikipedia.org 'More)
карликовая эллиптическая галактикаdE (pl. dEs Alex_Odeychuk)
карликовые новыеdwarf novae (novae – множественное число (звезды) Dmitrarka)
карликовые цефеиды типа 8 Щитаdwarf Cepheids (Scuto stars)
карликовые цефеиды типа 8 ЩитаScuti stars
последовательность карликовdwarf sequence
сверхтусклая карликовая галактикаhobbit galaxy (Alex_Odeychuk)
транснептуновая карликовая планетаtrans-Neptunian dwarf planet (– ТНП; – TNP MichaelBurov)
транснептуновая карликовая планетаtrans-Neptunian planet (– ТНП; – TNP MichaelBurov)
транснептуновая карликовая планетаTNP (– ТНП MichaelBurov)
ультракомпактная карликовая галактикаultra-compact dwarf galaxy (wikipedia.org 'More)
ультра-слабая карликовая галактикаultra-faint dwarf galaxy (UFD galaxy 'More)
ультра-слабая карликовая галактикаUFD galaxy (ultra-faint dwarf galaxy 'More)