
Terms for subject British usage, not spelling containing какую | all forms
заявить о себе в каком-либо качествеset out one's stall (Display or assert one's abilities or position:he has set out his stall as a strong supporter of free trade Bullfinch)
какая наглость!what bally cheek! (ART Vancouver)
какая наглость!what a blinking cheek! (Anglophile)
какая-то ерунда!Rubbish! (ART Vancouver)
какое нахальство!how very impertinent! (ART Vancouver)
какое нахальство!what bally cheek! (ART Vancouver)
какой счёт?what is the state of play? (Anglophile)
какой ужасoh, state!
какой ужасState of it! (ad_notam)
ни за какие коврижки!not on your nellie (Anglophile)
ни за какие коврижки!not on your nelly (Anglophile)