
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing каковы | all forms
каков вопрос, таков ответAsk a silly question and you'll get a silly answer (org.uk trtrtr)
каков поп, таков и приходJack is as good as his master (Yeldar Azanbayev)
каков поп, таков и приходJack wants to be as good as his master (Yeldar Azanbayev)
каков поп, таков и приходlike priest like people
каков хозяин, таков и работникJack wants to be as good as his master (Yeldar Azanbayev)
каков хозяин, таков и работникJack is as good as his master (Yeldar Azanbayev)
каков хозяин, таков и слугаLike master, like dog (vatnik)
какова цена чего-либо ?what price something? (The talk of moving accident and emergency services to an area 40 minutes away seems ludicrous. I'm sure they can explain that they have sound financial reasons for doings so and perhaps they have but what price a life? greenocktelegraph.co.uk 4uzhoj)
почувствовать, каково это, на своей шкуреthe shoe is on the other foot (поговорка, которая употребляется, когда кто-либо испытывает что-либо, что испытал другой человек – напр., When the policeman got arrested, he learned what it was like to have the shoe on the other foot. goorun)