
Terms for subject Information security and data protection containing информационная защита | all forms
защита критической информационной инфраструктурыCIIP (Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) is defined as those facilities, systems or functions whose incapacity or destruction would cause a debilitating impact on national security, governance, economy and social well-being of a nation : Critical information infrastructure protection (CIIP) against cyber attacks and other hazards has quickly grown in importance as society relies more and more heavily on technological advances in telecommunications, the Internet, and social networks. (Critical information infrastructure protection and resilience in the ICT sector) 'More)
защита критической информационной инфраструктурыcritical information infrastructure protection (Critical information infrastructure protection (CIIP) s a key priority in most of these strategies (15 out of 20 have an objective to protect the national critical infrastructure). 'More)