
Terms for subject Microsoft containing интеллектуальные | all forms | exact matches only
возможности клиента по интеллектуальному анализу данныхData Mining Client Functionality (SQL Server 2008 Rori)
выходные столбцы модели интеллектуального анализа данныхMining Model Output Columns (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
интеллектуальная маршрутизацияIntelligent Routing (A feature of Group Filtering that routes SMTP addresses to specific delivery locations based on group names and associations, even if all users share the same domain)
интеллектуальная папкаsmart folder (In the Macintosh environment, a virtual folder that displays items based on specified search criteria)
интеллектуальная связьsmart link (microsoft.com bojana)
интеллектуальная энергосистемаsmart grid (Alexander Oshis)
интеллектуальное клиентское решениеsmart client solution (microsoft.com bojana)
интеллектуальное потоковое воспроизведениеintelligent streaming
интеллектуальное приложениеintelligent app (microsoft.com ssn)
интеллектуальные менюSmart Menus (A feature of Windows Live Toolbar that provides additional information for particular kinds of text someone selects)
интеллектуальный анализ данныхdata mining (The process of identifying commercially useful patterns or relationships in databases or other computer repositories through the use of advanced statistical tools)
интеллектуальный наборsmartdial (A feature that allows end users to quickly search for contacts, previous calls, Speed Dials, or SIM contacts by using the phone keypad. As they type, an accumulator application will track their inputs and the corresponding matches, and allow them to select from a list of likely matches. A single key generally maps to multiple characters, and then combinations of key presses are used to generate a list of matching words or names relevant to the current application)
интеллектуальный поискSmartsearch (" A feature that allows you to search your device content for contact names or contact-related content. E.g. search for "Eric" will render all e-mail, contact info and documents containing the word "Eric".")
интеллектуальный фильтр мгновенных сообщенийIntelligent Instant Message Filter (A security feature of Office Communications Server, or Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1, that administrators can configure to prevent specified types of URLs and files from being transferred in an instant message conversation)
интеллектуальный фильтр мгновенных сообщенийIntelligent IM Filter (A security feature of Office Communications Server, or Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1, that administrators can configure to prevent specified types of URLs and files from being transferred in an instant message conversation)
интеллектуальный фильтр сообщенийIntelligent Message Filter
мастер создания MFC-библиотек для интеллектуальных устройствMFC Smart Device DLL Wizard (A wizard in Smart Device Development. It is used to create an MFC DLL project. The users get a working starter application that has built-in functionality that, when it is compiled, will implement the basic features of a DLL)
модель интеллектуального анализа данныхmining model (An object that contains the definition of a data mining process and the results of the training activity. For example, a data mining model may specify the input, output, algorithm, and other properties of the process and hold the information gathered during the training activity, such as a decision tree)
API подключения интеллектуальных устройствSmart Device Connectivity API (An application programming interface that enables developers to establish a connection between a desktop computer and a device. This API enables developers to focus on creating remote tools, while it handles the details of device interconnectivity and transport mechanisms)
предварительно созданная интеллектуальная службаpre-built intelligent service
расширение интеллектуального анализа данныхdata mining extension (ssn)
расширение интеллектуального анализа данныхDMX (In Analysis Services, a statement that performs mining tasks programmatically)
свёртывание модели интеллектуального анализаmining model folding (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
средство просмотра содержимого интеллектуального анализа данных SQL ServerSQL Server Data Mining Content Viewer (A viewer that displays the content that is contained in the content schema rowset of the mining model)
структура интеллектуального анализа данныхmining structure
фоновая интеллектуальная служба передачиBITS (Background Intelligent File Transfer Service bojana)
элементы управления для средства просмотра содержимого интеллектуального анализа данных SQL ServerSQL Server Data Mining Content Viewer Controls (A set of server-side controls that allow a user to browse complex mining models from any computer that has Microsoft Internet Explorer installed)