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быть не чем иным, какbe but (something Shabe)
иным образомin a different manner ("More recently, the flowering West Coast style has produced buildings which are exceptionally sympathetic to the scenery in which they are set. (...) In a different manner, but with equal conviction, the art deco Marine Building, among others, achieves a similar status." (Ron Phillips) ART Vancouver)
иным образом, чемin a different manner than (your use of an Application may cause your artwork to be publicly displayed in a different manner than originally intended by you ART Vancouver)
иным способомin a different manner ("More recently, the flowering West Coast style has produced buildings which are exceptionally sympathetic to the scenery in which they are set. (...) In a different manner, but with equal conviction, the art deco Marine Building, among others, achieves a similar status." (Ron Phillips) ART Vancouver)
на иных основанияхon other grounds (ART Vancouver)
придерживаться иного мненияbelieve otherwise (I believe that somebody else has been involved in Esther's disappearance and against her will. This is a terrifying prospect and I wish I could believe otherwise, but I cannot. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)