
Terms containing инновационные кластеры | all forms | in specified order only
econ.инновационно-инвестиционный кластерinnovation and investment cluster (Sergei Aprelikov)
scient.инновационные кластерыinnovative clusters (omaximova)
ITинновационный кластерpocket of excellence (Alex_Odeychuk)
gen.инновационный кластерinnovation cluster (One currently prevailing view is that the basic unit of assessment of innovation is a cluster of inter-acting firms operating, often in a particular industry, within a fairly small spatial compass and the firms are ‘embedded' in their local area in terms of production linkages including their workforce and communication flows. INNOVATION CLUSTERS: KEY CONCEPTS by D.A. Hart Department of Land Management and Development, and School of Planning Studies, The University of Reading, United Kingdom Alexander Demidov)
gen.инновационный образовательный кластерeducation innovation cluster (Vishka)
gen.инновационный территориальный кластерregional innovation cluster (USA – Regional Innovation Clusters. The Brookings Institution has recognised that the executive branch and Congress have joined state and local policymakers in embracing “regional innovation clusters” (RICs) as a framework for structuring the nation's economic development activities. ... Twenty years after Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter introduced the concept to the policy community and 10 years after its wide state adoption, clusters –geographic concentrations of interconnected firms and supporting or coordinating organizations– have reemerged as a key tool and rubric in Washington and in the nation's economic regions. Alexander Demidov)