
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing за время | all forms
Благодарю Вас за то, что вы нашли время встретиться со мной на прошлой неделе в ПарижеThank you for your time in Paris last week
за короткое времяin a short amount of time (In a curious big cat case out of England, a woman spotted what some believe to be a dead puma on the side of a road and, when she later went back to get a look at the creature, it had mysteriously vanished. The disappearance of the suspected big cat was particularly weird as it occurred in such a short amount of time, which led Roberts to speculate that "I think someone's seen my post and they've taken the animal." -- случилось за такое короткое время, что (coasttocoastam.com) • It has been effective in eliciting a range of lexical aspect categories in a short amount of time. (Cambridge English Corpus) ART Vancouver)
за короткое времяwithin a short space of time (Within that short space of time these things usually are sorted out. – За это короткое время обычно всё становится на свои места. ART Vancouver)