
Terms for subject Religion containing загробная | all forms | exact matches only
в загробной жизни, в загробном миреin the afterlife (Prof. Betty said that spirit mediums almost universally describe the afterlife as a world much like our own, but without things like gas stations, fire stations, etc. and that they do not refer to it as "heaven." (...) Prof. Betty said he has learned from his research that what you believe is not what determines your fate, it is what you do and who you are, and that he disagrees strongly that belief in any deity changes your fate in the afterlife. Prof. Betty concluded that "soul building or character development is the purpose of our earthly journey." coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
в загробном миреin the blessed afterworld
в этом и загробном миреin this world and the next (Andrey Truhachev)
вера в Бога и в загробную жизньbelief in God and afterlife
загробная жизньfuture life
загробная жизньafterlife (An existence after death)
загробная жизньthe other eternal, future life
загробная жизньafterlife realm (Our loved ones still live on in the afterlife after they have left their physical body, she explained, and when they die, it is the right time for their soul, even if it's not an optimal time for those still alive, such as when a young person dies. In her encounters, she generally finds spirits to be in a positive frame of mind, as that is part of the nature of the afterlife realm. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
загробная жизньfuturity (Time that is to come after death)
загробная жизньsecond birth
загробная жизньeternity
загробный мирthe beyond (Andrey Truhachev)
загробный мирafterlife realm (Our loved ones still live on in the afterlife after they have left their physical body, she explained, and when they die, it is the right time for their soul, even if it's not an optimal time for those still alive, such as when a young person dies. In her encounters, she generally finds spirits to be in a positive frame of mind, as that is part of the nature of the afterlife realm. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
загробный мирthe beyond (Andrey Truhachev)
загробный мирother world
загробный мирnext world (Andrey Truhachev)
загробный мирunderworld (Andrey Truhachev)
загробный мирotherworld (Andrey Truhachev)
загробный мирScheol (Charikova)
загробный мирafter world
загробный мирhereafter (Andrey Truhachev)
обряд приготовления усопшего к загробной жизниreanimation rite (In Egyptian religion, rite to prepare the deceased for afterlife, performed on statues of the deceased, the mummy itself, or statues of a god located in a temple)
представления о загробной жизниconcepts about afterlife
представления о загробной жизниideas of the afterlife
твёрдо верить в загробную жизньhave a firm belief on the concept of afterlife
твёрдо верить в существование загробной жизниhave a firm belief on the concept of afterlife