
Terms for subject Microsoft containing друг другом | all forms | in specified order only
Две или несколько таблиц накладываются друг на другаTwo or more tables overlap. (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
друзья и семьяfriends and family (A privacy relationship setting that allows the most amount of information to be viewed)
друзья-знатокиfriends who might know (ssn)
модуль "Друзья"Friends module (A module that shows a photo list of your friends and provides for adding, editing, and deleting people from your friends list)
Мои друзья и друзья друзейmy friends and their friends (The UI label for a permissions setting that indicates an item is being shared with (made available to) all of someone's friends, and all of those friends' friends)
Недопустимый список друзейBuddy list is invalid (Office Communicator 2005 Rori)
Некоторые друзьяSome friends (The UI label for a permissions setting that indicates an item is being shared with (made available to) only friends who don't have limited access)
Рассказать другуTell a friend (The standard display text for mailto: link for sending a link to a page, typically used when asking someone to view but not participate in something)
Служба Xbox LIVE представляет собой игровую службу в интернете, позволяющую пользователям со всего мира играть в игры и общаться друг с другом.Xbox LIVE is an online gaming service that allows people from around the world to play games and interact with each other online. (Xbox 360, Xbox Dash)
список друзейfriends list (A list of people, invited by the user, that includes the display picture, notes, and tags for each friend)
список друзейbuddy list (Rori)
Спросить друзейAsk Friends (ssn)