
Terms for subject General containing древние языки | all forms | in specified order only
вновь сделанный перевод на английский язык древних стихотворений просто замечателенthis collection of the ancient poems newly done into English is a fine translation
древние языкиclassical languages (Anglophile)
древние языкиthe ancient tongues
древний языкancient tongue (Through a break in the trees came perhaps thirty of forty more similarly clad people, mostly men, but others women, and all chanting in an unknown, and presumably ancient, tongue. It was soon made clear to Pauline that some sort of significant ceremony was about to take place inside Castle Ring – and she, no less, was right in the heart of all the brewing action. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
древний языкpetrified language (известный только по памятникам письменности)
увлечься древними языкамиhave a flirtation with ancient languages
язык древних бриттовBritish
язык древних умбровUmbrian
язык жителей древней СамарииSamaritan