
Terms for subject General containing долгосрочные активы | all forms | in specified order only
долгосрочные финансовые активыLong-term financial assets (ROGER YOUNG)
долгосрочный актив для продажиheld-for-sale asset (Held-for-sale assets are not depreciated – however, they are subject to impairment charge. Alexander Demidov)
долгосрочный актив для продажиheld for sale asset (Held for sale assets are long -lived assets for which a company has a concrete plan to dispose of the asset by sale. They are carried on balance sheet at the lower of carrying value or fair value and no depreciation is charged on them. xplaind.com Alexander Demidov)
долгосрочный актив к продажеheld-for-sale asset (Held-for-sale asset is an asset the management no longer uses for its operational activities and is actively seeking a buyer or already is in the ... Alexander Demidov)
долгосрочный актив к продажеheld for sale asset (Alexander Demidov)
реализация долгосрочных активовsale of long-lived assets (ROGER YOUNG)
реализация долгосрочных активовsale of some long-term assets (ROGER YOUNG)