
Terms for subject Microsoft containing длительностью | all forms
астрономическая длительностьelapsed duration (The amount of time that a task will take to finish, based on a 24-hour day and a 7-day week, including holidays and other nonworking days. For example: emin = elapsed minute, ehr = elapsed hour, eday = elapsed day, ewk = elapsed week)
взвешенная длительностьweighted duration (Weighted average of the expected, pessimistic, and optimistic dates and durations. By default, PERT analysis calculation gives heaviest weight to the expected duration, and lightest weight to the pessimistic and optimistic durations)
Длительность звонковCall Timers (A menu item that provides access to various call timers and call durations)
длительность операцииrun time (The time it takes for a physical manufacturing operation, excluding setup time, queue time, and move time)
длительность циклаloop duration (The number of times that a portion of an animation storyboard is repeated)
максимальная длительностьmax duration (The longest event time for any performance event in the group)
ожидаемая длительностьexpected duration (The total span of active working time expected for a task, that is, the amount of time from the expected start to the expected finish of a task)
оптимистическая длительностьoptimistic duration (The best-case possibility for the total span of active working time expected for a task, that is, the amount of time from the optimistic start to optimistic finish of a task)
оставшаяся длительностьremaining duration (The amount of time left to work on a task before the task is completed. This is calculated as follows: Remaining Duration = Duration – Actual Duration)
оценка длительностиestimated duration (A duration for which you have only enough information to determine a tentative value. So that its status is clearly visible, an estimated duration is clearly marked by a question mark immediately following the duration unit)
пессимистическая длительностьpessimistic duration (The worst-case possibility for the total span of active working time expected for a task, that is, the amount of time from the pessimistic start to pessimistic finish of a task)
поле длительностиduration field (A type of field whose content is expressed as a duration of time. Examples include the Work, Duration, and Delay fields. A duration field includes the duration unit, such as hour, day, or week)
средняя длительностьaverage duration (The average event time for all performance events in the group)
фактическая длительностьactual duration (The amount of time a task has been in progress)