
Terms for subject Microsoft containing длинное | all forms | exact matches only
длинная многоадресная рассылкаlong multicast (Windows Vista ssn)
длинное имя файлаlong file name (A folder or file name longer than the 8.3 file name standard (up to eight characters followed by a period and an extension of up to three characters). Most versions of Windows, including WindowsXP, Windows2000, WindowNT, Windows95, and Windows98 support long file names up to 255 characters)
длинное сообщениеlong message (" A message in a persistent chat room that exceeds the character limit. If the character limit is exceeded, the message will show as "long message.")
длинное тиреem dash (The – character, based on the width of an uppercase M and used primarily to set off sentence elements)
длинные тональные сигналыLong tones (A setting for the phone keyboard that causes a key to continue to produce a tone as long as the key is pressed)
длинный пробелem space (A typographical unit of measure that is equal in width to the point size of a particular font. For many fonts, this is equal to the width of a capital M, from which the em space takes its name)
Полоса язычков страниц предназначается для быстрого перемещения в длинных заметкахthe Page Bar is for fast navigation within larger notes. (Windows Server 2008)
Слишком длинное имя псевдонимаthe alias name is too long (Visual Studio 2012, Office System 2010 SP1)
слишком длинный строковый литералstring literal too long (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
список длинной многоадресной рассылкиlong multicast list (Windows Vista ssn)
тип данных "длинное целое"Long data type (A fundamental data type that holds large integers. A Long variable is stored as a 32-bit number ranging in value from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647)