
Terms for subject Economy containing депозитарная расписка | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
агент по депозитарным распискамDR agent (emirates42)
глобальные депозитарные распискиglobal depositary receipts (glenfoo)
глобальные депозитарные распискиGDRs (global depositary receipts, ГДР glenfoo)
депозитарная расписка S&PStandard & Poor's Depositary Receipt (сокр. SPDR -> "spiders": What is a Standard and Poor's Depositary Receipt? Spider is a term which designates a group of Exchange-Traded Funds in which the Standard & Poor's Depositary Receipt is a part of. This Exchange-Traded Fund is controlled by the State Street Global Advisors and this group is solely responsible for tracking the Standard & Poor's 500 indexes (S&P 500). Each share of an SPDR contains a 10th of the S&P 500 index and trades at roughly a 10th of the dollar-value level of the S&P 500.  'More)
депозитарная расписка Стандард энд ПурсStandard & Poor's Depositary Receipt (сокр. SPDR -> "spiders": What is a Standard and Poor's Depositary Receipt? Spider is a term which designates a group of Exchange-Traded Funds in which the Standard & Poor's Depositary Receipt is a part of. This Exchange-Traded Fund is controlled by the State Street Global Advisors and this group is solely responsible for tracking the Standard & Poor's 500 indexes (S&P 500). Each share of an SPDR contains a 10th of the S&P 500 index and trades at roughly a 10th of the dollar-value level of the S&P 500.  'More)