
Terms for subject International relations containing действию | all forms
защищать детей во время военных действийprotect children caught up in war (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
лицо, не подпадающее под действие санкцийnon-designated entity ('More)
лицо, подпадающее под действие санкцийdesignated person (A designated person is an individual or entity listed by the United Nations (UN) or HM Treasury as being subject to financial sanctions. The consolidated list of designated persons subject to an asset freeze can be found here. 'More)
"Международная сеть по проблеме средств поражения взрывного действия"International Network on Explosive Weapons (Anton S.)
начать боевые действияgo kinetic (Maksim Petrov)
не подпадающий под действие санкцийnon-designated (The Opinion confirms the applicability of asset freeze measures to non-designated entities that are controlled by Designated Persons • EU Commission Opinion of 19 June 2020 re financial and other transactions with non-designated entities owned or otherwise controlled by a designated (i.e., blocked) person – this ruling not being specific to the Russia sanctions 'More)
подпадающий под действие санкцийsanctioned ('More)
подпадающий под действие санкцийdesignated (в контексте санкций: Once a person, entity or body is designated ('sanctioned') by the UN Sanctions Committees, funds or other assets should be frozen without delay and not made available, directly or indirectly, to that person, entity or body. 'More)
район боевых действийkinetic area (Maksim Petrov)