
Terms for subject Microsoft containing действие | all forms | exact matches only
действие бизнес-процессаworkflow activity (An elemental unit of a workflow that represents actions and provides functionality for control flow, conditions, event handling, state management, and communication with applications and services)
действие бизнес-процессаworkflow action (An element of workflow logic that specifies the event or task that should be performed by the workflow jobs started by the workflow)
действие выпускаrelease activity (A type of activity that is part of a release record, including dependent, manual, parallel, review, and sequential activities)
действие кампанииcampaign activity (An activity performed, or to be performed, by a user for planning or running a campaign. A campaign activity includes additional, campaign-specific information, such as budgets and vendor names)
действие касанияtouch action (Windows 8 ssn)
действие на событиеaction at event (SQL Server 2008 R2 ssn)
действие по двойному щелчкуDouble-Click Action (Rori)
действие проверкиreview activity (A step in a review process in which users approve or deny change requests)
действие с бизнес-даннымиbusiness data action
действие сборкиbuild activity (A Windows Workflow Foundation activity that is part of the Team Foundation Server build process. It incorporates the logic that is executed before, during, or after the building of a software application)
действие сервисаservice activity (A schedulable appointment to provide a service to a customer. A service activity uses one or more resources to perform a service at a specific time and place)
действие событияevent action (Visual Studio 2010 ssn)
действие статусаstatus action (Andy)
дополнительное действие на основе приложенияapp custom action (A type of custom action that is added to a host site by an app for SharePoint and that links to more functionality that is contained by the app)
зависимое действие управления изменениямиdependent change management activity (A change management activity that is used to link change requests to a release record)
Значение указывает действие, выполняемое программой запуска при возникновении сбояthe value indicates the action taken by the startup program if failure occurs (Windows Server 2003)
настраиваемое действие лентыRibbon Custom Action (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
Ссылка на действие запроса рабочего элементаWork Item Query Action Link (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
эскалационное действие workflow-процессаworkflow escalation action (An automatic workflow action taken when a workflow work item is not completed by the current assignee)
это действие необратимоthis action cannot be undone (Andy)
это действие удаляет сохранённый предохранитель внешнего ключа с тома операционной системыthis action removes the stored external key from the OS volume. (Windows Vista Rori)