
Terms for subject Law containing дашь на дашь | all forms
дать общее согласие в отношении ... на применение в отношении себя любого средства правовой защиты и выдачу любого судебного извещенияconsent generally in respect of ... to the giving of any relief or the issue of any process (Sjoe!)
дать согласие наconsent to (что-л.: On Monday, Judge Patricia Janzen sentenced Barry to two years in prison for the break and enter, to be served concurrently with a six-month sentence for the assault of the family member. In court, Barry also consented to undergoing treatment directed at his psychosis and substance use disorders, under the authority of his probation officer upon release from jail. (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
согласившийся дать интервью на условиях анонимностиwho spoke on condition of anonymity (Andrew052)