
Terms for subject Microsoft containing данные конфигурации | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
база данных конфигурацииconfiguration database (The Microsoft SQL Server, MSDE, or Windows Internal database that contains the configuration information that applies across all servers in a deployment of SharePoint Products and Technologies, such as Web application information)
база данных сайта диспетчера конфигурацииConfiguration Manager site database
данные конфигурации загрузкиBoot Configuration Data (A data store that contains boot configuration parameters and controls how the operating system is started beginning with Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008)
данные конфигурации загрузкиBCD (A data store that contains boot configuration parameters and controls how the operating system is started beginning with Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008)
имя сервера базы данных конфигурацииconfiguration database server name (ssn)
имя сервера базы данных конфигурацииConfiguration database server name (A UI element. The name of the server on which the Configuration database is housed)
конфигурация адаптера данныхdata adapter configuration (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
место хранения данных о конфигурации кластераcluster configuration storage location (ssn)
Ниже приведена сводка введенных параметров конфигурации для создания базы данных.the following summarizes the supplied configuration to create the database. (System Center Operations Manager 2007)
объект данных конфигурации загрузкиBoot Configuration Data object (A collection of elements that describes the settings for the object that are used during the boot process. There are three main types of objects: application, device, and inherited)
объект данных конфигурации загрузкиBCD object (A collection of elements that describes the settings for the object that are used during the boot process. There are three main types of objects: application, device, and inherited)
раздел конфигурации для службы ссылочных данныхconfiguration section for the reference data service (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
сервер базы данных конфигурацииconfiguration database server (ssn)