
Terms for subject Microsoft containing графический | all forms | exact matches only
быть доступным через графический пользовательский интерфейсbe available through the graphical user interface (Alex_Odeychuk)
виртуальный графический процессорvirtual GPU (Windows 8 ssn)
графический интерфейс пользователяvisual interface
графический конструктор запросовgraphical query designer (A query designer provided by the Reporting Services that allows the user to interactively build a query and view the results for data source types SQL Server, Oracle, OLE DB, and ODBC)
графический методgraphics method (A method in code that performs a graphics-related function such as drawing a line or shape or repainting a background with a solid color)
графический объектdrawing object (Office System 2010 Rori)
графический парольpicture password (A picture-based sign-in method that authenticates a user by checking gestures made on a picture of the user's own choosing)
графический пользовательский интерфейсgraphical user interface (A display format, like that of Windows, that represents a program's functions with graphic images such as buttons and icons. GUIs enable a user to perform operations and make choices by pointing and clicking with a mouse)
графический примитивgraphics primitive (A basic shape (a point, a line, circle, curve, or polygon) that a graphics adapter can manipulate as a discrete entity)
графический процессорgraphics processing unit (A processor on a graphics card that is used as a video encoding accelerator)
графический режимimage view (Andy)
графический фильтрgraphics filter (A program that transforms a picture stored in one file format to another format so that it can be displayed in a specific graphics program)
графический фильтрgraphic filter (A program that transforms a picture stored in one file format to another format so that it can be displayed in a specific graphics program)
графический элементadorner (A special glyph on the design surface. Adorners are usually attached to a target control, and they give the user a graphical means of adjusting the control's properties)
графический элемент SmartArtSmartArt graphic (A graphic element from the SmartArt feature)
графический элементadornment