
Terms for subject General containing гражданин мира | all forms | in specified order only
граждане мираglobies (термин из публикации "The World is Flat...The World is Lumpy?". Описание термина, которе дает сам автор в сноске по тексту: "Although I've been unable to find the origin of this word, it did not come from me. I use it to describe individuals who are comfortable working and living in any country–they are capable of “making it work” anywhere for themselves and their families with little concern over language and other cultural differences." Dimash)
гражданин мираa citizen of the world
гражданин мираcosmopolitan
гражданин мираglobal citizen (e.g. Preparing people for life as global citizens coucoushkina)
гражданин мираcitizen of the world
гражданин мираcosmopolite
Международный регистр граждан мираInternational Registry of World Citizens