
Terms for subject Microsoft containing гибридные | all forms
архитектура гибридного компьютераhybrid computer architecture (Alex_Odeychuk)
гибридное веб-приложениеweb application hybrid (A web application that combines functionality or data from multiple sources into a single, integrated service, application, or medium Rori)
гибридное веб-приложениеmashup (A web application that combines functionality or data from multiple sources into a single, integrated service, application, or medium)
гибридное развёртывание ExchangeExchange hybrid deployment (A connection established between on-premises and cloud email systems that not only allows users to use email from either location with the same set of credentials, but provides a richer management experience)
гибридное развёртываниеhybrid deployment (stachel)
гибридное удостоверениеhybrid identity (stachel)
гибридный видaerial view (A map view created from aerial photos that shows buildings, roads, and geographical features)
гибридный дискhybrid drive (A hard disk that contains a small amount of solid-state nonvolatile memory which, when used as a cache, can realize significant benefits such as faster booting, extended battery life, and a more rugged PC)
гибридный дискhybrid disk (A hard disk that contains a small amount of solid-state nonvolatile memory which, when used as a cache, can realize significant benefits such as faster booting, extended battery life, and a more rugged PC)
гибридный жёсткий дискhybrid hard disk (A hard disk that contains a small amount of solid-state nonvolatile memory which, when used as a cache, can realize significant benefits such as faster booting, extended battery life, and a more rugged PC)
гибридный образhybrid image (образ для установки ОС, сочетающий особенности тонкого (thin) и толстого (thik) образов microsoft.com bojana)
гибридный спящий режимhybrid sleep (A power-saving sleep state in which any open documents and programs are saved to your hard disk, in addition to being saved to memory, before the computer enters the low-power state)
параметры конфигурации гибридного развёртыванияhybrid deployment configuration parameters (microsoft.com bojana)