
Terms for subject General containing гарантийная | all forms | exact matches only
бланк заявки на гарантийное обслуживаниеwarranty claim form (MargeWebley)
в течение гарантийного срокаwithin the warranty period (Dianka)
возмещение расходов по исполнению гарантийных обязательствwarranty reimbursement (sankozh)
выполнять гарантийные обязательстваhonour warranty obligations (MG Rover will not honour its warranty obligations for new car owners because of 'insufficient funds', it has been announced. Alexander Demidov)
гарантийная доплатаmake-up pay
гарантийная заменаwarranty replacement (KeCH)
гарантийная карточкаwarranty card (Andy)
гарантийная книжкаWarranty Booklet (Enotte)
гарантийная наработкаwarranty life (AD)
гарантийная пломбаwarranty seal (Enotte)
гарантийная поддержкаwarranty cover (Alexander Demidov)
гарантийная претензияwarranty claim (Alexander Demidov)
гарантийная суммаsecurity deposit (Alexander Demidov)
гарантийная формаwarranty form (WiseSnake)
гарантийная формаguarantee form (WiseSnake)
гарантийная эксплуатацияwarranty period operation (АлексаОльга)
гарантийная эксплуатацияwarranty maintenance (Alexander Demidov)
гарантийное значениеguarantee value (ROGER YOUNG)
гарантийное и постгарантийное обслуживаниеafter-sales service (starkside)
гарантийное и сервисное обслуживаниеwarranty and after-sales service (Alexander Demidov)
гарантийное молокоcertified milk (freelance_trans)
гарантийное молокоattested milk (freelance_trans)
гарантийное обеспечениеsecurity deposit (ЦБ Lavrov)
гарантийное оборудованиеequipment under warranty (Alexander Demidov)
гарантийное обслуживаниеwarranty handling (sankozh)
гарантийное письмоbond of indemnity
гарантийное письмоletter of indemnity
гарантийное письмоcommitment letter (A legally binding letter in which a lender documents the terms, prerequisites and conditions under which it agrees to provide financing to an applicant. Commitment letters may be used in almost any lending transaction but are most common in commercial real estate transactions. American Banker Glossary. Lender's written undertaking to a borrower that a certain sum at a certain rate of interest will be made available on borrower's demand during a certain period, provided the requirements detailed in the offer are fulfilled. Borrowers use this evidence of commitment to arrange bridge financing, and lenders charge a commitment fee for this service. Also called loan commitment letter, or letter of commitment. BusinessDictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
гарантийное письмоletter of surety (Surety is providing a guarantee for another party. A letter of surety is a document the confirms the terms and conditions of said guarantee. Sometimes called a "Bondability Letter", it declares the name of the entity providing surety and under what conditions surety is proffered. The act of surety is normally demonstrated in the form of a surety bond. The most common bonds are performance, payment, bid, license, permit and financial guarantee. answers.com Alexander Demidov)
гарантийное письмоsurety (a person who accepts legal responsibility for another person's debt or behaviour: act as surety for sb/something "He acted as surety for the two companies when they took out the original loan. a promise, or money or property given as a promise, that someone will do something that they have said they will do, such as pay a debt or appear in court: "Analysts doubt whether Ford would have been able to raise such a large amount of debt without some kind of surety. "A local shopkeeper and a relative had been prepared to put up a surety of $20,000, the court heard. CBED Alexander Demidov)
гарантийное письмоengagement letter (An engagement letter defines the legal relationship (or engagement) between a professional firm (e.g., law, investment banking, consulting, advisory or accountancy firm) and its client(s). This letter states the terms and conditions of the engagement, principally addressing the scope of the engagement and the terms of compensation for the firm. Most engagement letters follow a standard format. The example given below refers to the engagement of an accountancy firm. WAD Alexander Demidov)
гарантийное письмоdeclaration of intent (bigmaxus)
гарантийное письмоa bond of indemnity
гарантийное письмоletter of guarantee (letter of guarantee A letter from a bank to a brokerage firm which states that a customer (who has written a call option) does indeed own the underlying stock and the bank will guarantee delivery if the call is assigned. Thus the call can be considered covered. Not all brokerage firms accept letters of guarantee. Also: letter issued to Option Clearing Corporation by member firms covering a guarantee of any trade made by one of its customers, (a trader or broker on the exchange floor). Bloomberg Financial Dictionary. Document used mainly in the Far East (China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, among others) whereby an importer obligates itself to accept and pay a bill of exchange on its presentment at a certain bank. The objective of this letter is to secure that bank's acceptance of an exporter's draft, for payment through its correspondent bank (where the draft will be presented). BusisnessDictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
гарантийное письмо материнской компанииparent company guarantee letter (VictorMashkovtsev)
гарантийное письмо о предоставлении банковской гарантии возврата авансового платежаadvance payment bank guarantee letter (VictorMashkovtsev)
гарантийное письмо о соблюдении своевременности текущих платежейletter of guarantee concerning the timely execution of regular payments (ABelonogov)
гарантийное плаваньеshakedown
гарантийное свидетельствоcertificate of warranty (Johnny Bravo)
Гарантийное сервисное обслуживаниеwarranty and service maintenance (ROGER YOUNG)
гарантийное удержаниеretention money (Payment for a service or product that is withheld pending the completion of some specified condition. For example, when a manufacturing business purchases production machinery from a supplier, they might withhold some percentage of payment due as retention money until the machines are successfully installed and operational. Read more: businessdictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
гарантийное удержание суммRetention Amount Guarantee (Yeldar Azanbayev)
гарантийные затратыwarranty costs
гарантийные обязательстваwarranty commitments (The only thing for certain is that MG Rover will no longer meet any warranty commitments it has made. BBC Alexander Demidov)
гарантийные обязательстваwarranty liability (A liability account that reports the estimated amount that a company will have to spend to repair or replace a product during. | A product warranty liability and warranty expense should be recorded at the time the product is sold, if it is probable that customers will be making claims. Alexander Demidov)
гарантийные обязательства и обслуживаниеwarranty policy and procedures (sankozh)
гарантийные обязательства и правила эксплуатацииwarranty policy and procedures (sankozh)
гарантийные обязательства и срок действия гарантииguarantee and warranty (Alexey Lebedev)
гарантийные правила и обязательстваwarranty policy and procedures (sankozh)
гарантийные работыwarranty work (sankozh)
гарантийные условияwarranty conditions (Johnny Bravo)
гарантийные фондыguarantee funds (A sum of money pledged as a contingent indemnity for loss. EXAMPLE SENTENCES This has given new life to the concept of the ‘narrow bank': in return for confining its funds to high-quality, marketable assets, only the narrow bank would be permitted access to the payments system and to the deposit guarantee fund. A guarantee fund with a starting capital of 20 million leva allocated from the 2002 budget will partially or completely cover the collateral of credits extended to socially disadvantaged people. OD. One of two funds established for the protection of customers' monies; the clearing members contribute a percentage of their gross revenues to the guarantee fund. See also surplus fund. The CENTER ONLINE Futures Glossary. An offshore fund in which the investor's initial investment is guaranteed. OB&M Alexander Demidov)
гарантийный агентtabulation agent (skazik)
гарантийный агентwarrant agent (paralex)
гарантийный акцептcollateral acceptance
гарантийный взносsecurity deposit (when talking about rental of a property or an object gogolesque2)
гарантийный взносmargin
гарантийный вкладsecurity deposit (Alexander Demidov)
гарантийный депозитdown payment (bigmaxus)
гарантийный договорa contract of indemnity
гарантийный контрактguarantee
гарантийный лимитWarranty limit (WiseSnake)
гарантийный отделwarranty department (sankozh)
гарантийный период, установленный договоромcontractual warranty period (Alexander Demidov)
гарантийный период эксплуатацииwarranty period of operation (elena.kazan)
гарантийный полисwarranty policy (на проданный товар; в отличие от warranty statement sankozh)
гарантийный сертификатwarranty certificate (VictorMashkovtsev)
гарантийный сертификатCertificate of guarantee (pochty)
гарантийный случайguarantee claim (Johnny Bravo)
гарантийный случайwarranty event (облегчение урегулирования возникающих гарантийных случаев: easier handling of warranty events ... Alexander Demidov)
гарантийный случайwarranty claim (VLZ_58)
гарантийный случайguarantee event (rechnik)
гарантийный срокwarranty period (в отношении товара, прибора, т.д. gennier)
гарантийный срок храненияguaranteed shelf life (Alexander Demidov)
гарантийный срок эксплуатацииwarranty operating life (VictorMashkovtsev)
Гарантийный срок эксплуатацииguaranteed use period (elena.kazan)
гарантийный талонwarranty flyer (MasterK)
гарантийный талонwarranty sheet (sankozh)
гарантийный талонwarranty leaflet (Enotte)
гарантийный талонwarranty certificate (bookworm)
гарантийный трастguaranty trust (DiBor)
гарантийный фондcover
дополнительные гарантийные депозитыMargin Calls (Lavrov)
Европейский сельскохозяйственный консультационный и гарантийный фондEuropean Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund
заявление о гарантийных обязательствахwarranty statement (sankozh)
использование гарантийный взносов в оплату задолженностиapply security deposits to cover outstanding charges (triumfov)
международный гарантийный фондArbitral Award Guarantee Fund (Yeldar Azanbayev)
морской гарантийный сюрвейерmarine warranty surveyor (SAKHstasia)
надлежащее гарантийное обслуживаниеcorrect warranty handling (sankozh)
находиться на гарантийном обслуживанииbe covered by warranty (Alexander Demidov)
обращаться за гарантийным обслуживаниемwarranty (To warranty a product, please send an email with a description of the defect/damage and how it occurred sankozh)
определить наличие гарантийного случаяdetermine that the situation is warrantable (sankozh)
отчёт о проведении гарантийного ремонтаwarranty claim report (sankozh)
отчёт о проведении гарантийной замены товараwarranty claim report (sankozh)
отчёт о проведённом гарантийном обслуживанииwarranty claim report (sankozh)
пакет гарантийного обслуживанияwarranty pack (K@rin@)
план гарантийного обслуживанияwarranty plan (taboon)
платить гарантийный залогdeposit
порядок предоставления гарантийного обслуживанияwarranty handling procedure (sankozh)
после окончания гарантийного срокаoff the warranty (Alexander Demidov)
после окончания гарантийного срокаoutside the warranty period (ArcticFox)
после окончания гарантийного срокаoutside the warranty period (I had a dishwasher that went faulty two months outside the warranty period. ArcticFox)
после окончания гарантийного срокаout of warranty (Enotte)
рассмотрение гарантийной претензииconsideration of warranty (sankozh)
сводный реестр выданных гарантийных писемconsolidated register of issued letters of guarantee (ABelonogov)
сводный реестр выданных гарантийных писемconsolidated register of letters of guarantee (ABelonogov)
сервисное и гарантийное обслуживаниеafter-sales and warranty service (Alexander Demidov)
сервисное и гарантийное обслуживаниеservicing and warranty maintenance (ABelonogov)
товары, подлежащие гарантийному обслуживаниюRMA goods (Мария100)
требования внесения гарантийных депозитовMargin Calls (Lavrov)
урегулирование расчётов по гарантийному ремонту и возмещение его стоимостиsettlement and reimbursement of warranty repairs (с sankozh)
Условия отказа в приеме на гарантийное обслуживаниеWarranty denial conditions (AllaR)
устанавливать гарантийный срокcarry a warranty (The model carries a three-year warranty. OCD Alexander Demidov)
установить наличие гарантийного случаяdetermine that the situation is warrantable (sankozh)