
Terms for subject Information security and data protection containing в сетях | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
автономное обнаружение попыток вторжения в сетьhost-based intrusion detection (by monitoring activity on individual hosts or devices within the network)
автономное предотвращение попыток вторжения в сетьhost intrusion prevention (Protecting individual hosts or devices, such as servers, workstations, and other endpoints within a network, involves safeguarding them from potential threats, unauthorized access, and malicious activities. This is achieved by monitoring and controlling activities on a host, preventing intrusions and attacks through the detection and blocking of suspicious or malicious behavior Alex_Odeychuk)
администратор защиты информации в компьютерных сетяхnetwork defender (bleepingcomputer.com Alex_Odeychuk)
активное наблюдение с целью перехвата информации в сетях операторов связиactive surveillance attacks through telecoms operators (Alex_Odeychuk)
безопасность в сетях мобильной связиmobile security (Alex_Odeychuk)
безопасность в сетях мобильной связиmobile network security (Alex_Odeychuk)
безопасность работы в компьютерных сетяхnetwork security (из кн.: Шаньгин В.Ф. Защита информации в компьютерных системах и сетях Alex_Odeychuk)
... в информационно-телекоммуникационных сетяхcyber (Alex_Odeychuk)
вредоносная деятельность в компьютерных сетяхmalicious cyber activities (theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk)
защита информации в компьютерных системах и сетяхcybersecurity (русс. термин из кн.: Шаньгин В.Ф. Защита информации в компьютерных системах и сетях, 2001 Alex_Odeychuk)
информационная безопасность в компьютерных сетяхnetwork security (forbes.com Alex_Odeychuk)
информационная безопасность в компьютерных сетяхcyber security (Alex_Odeychuk)
кадровый голод в отрасли информационной безопасности в компьютерных сетяхcybersecurity labor shortage (keyfactor.com Alex_Odeychuk)
картина угроз информационной безопасности в компьютерных сетяхcybersecurity threat landscape (the ever-evolving set of risks, vulnerabilities, and potential attacks that organizations face in the digital realm. It encompasses various types of threats, such as malware, ransomware, phishing, and advanced persistent threats, as well as emerging trends and technologies that could impact the security posture of organizations and their digital assets Alex_Odeychuk)
обеспечение информационной безопасности в компьютерных сетяхcybersecurity protection (Alex_Odeychuk)
обнаружение попыток вторжения в сетьnetwork intrusion detection (the process of monitoring and analyzing network traffic to identify and prevent unauthorized access, misuse, or attacks on a computer network Alex_Odeychuk)
осуществлять активное наблюдение с целью перехвата информации в сетях операторов связиroute active surveillance attacks through telecoms operators (Alex_Odeychuk)
пассивное наблюдение с целью перехвата информации в сетях операторов связиsurveillance attacks through telecoms operators (Alex_Odeychuk)
система автономного обнаружения попыток вторжения в сетьhost-based intrusion detection system (software for monitoring activity on individual hosts or devices within the network in order to identify and prevent unauthorized access, misuse, or attacks on a computer network Alex_Odeychuk)
система автономного предотвращения попыток вторжения в сетьhost intrusion prevention system (a security solution designed to protect individual hosts or devices, such as servers, workstations, and other endpoints within a network, from potential threats, unauthorized access, and malicious activities by monitoring and controlling activities on the host, preventing intrusions and attacks through the detection and blocking of suspicious or malicious behavior Alex_Odeychuk)
система обнаружения вторжений в сетьnetwork intrusion detection system
система обнаружения попыток вторжения в сетьnetwork intrusion detection system (specialized software designed to detect suspicious activity, potential threats, and intrusions in real-time, helping to safeguard an organization's network infrastructure and resources Alex_Odeychuk)
система предотвращения попыток вторжения в сетьnetwork intrusion prevention system (A security solution designed to safeguard an organization's network from potential threats, unauthorized access, and malicious activities. It actively monitors, analyzes, and controls network traffic in real-time. By detecting and blocking suspicious or malicious behavior, it prevents intrusions and attacks from causing harm to the network or its resources before they have the chance to inflict damage Alex_Odeychuk)
система управления доступом в сетьnetwork access control system
устройство обнаружения и предотвращения попыток проникновения в сетьnetwork intrusion detection and prevention device (a security solution that combines the functionalities of both detection and prevention systems to protect a network from potential threats and attacks. It actively monitors, analyzes, and controls network traffic in real-time, identifying and blocking suspicious or malicious activities to safeguard the network and its resources Alex_Odeychuk)
уязвимость с точки зрения информационной безопасности в компьютерных сетяхcybersecurity vulnerability (adacore.com Alex_Odeychuk)
эксперт по безопасности в сетях мобильной связиmobile network security expert (Alex_Odeychuk)
эксперт по информационной безопасности в компьютерных сетяхcybersecurity expert (Alex_Odeychuk)