
Terms for subject Silicate industry containing высшая | all forms | exact matches only
высшая теплотворная способностьupper heating value
высшая теплотворная способностьhigher heating value (The quantity known as higher heating value (HHV) (or gross energy or upper heating value or gross calorific value (GCV) or higher calorific value (HCV)) is determined by bringing all the products of combustion back to the original pre-combustion temperature, and in particular condensing any vapor produced. Such measurements often use a standard temperature of 15 °C (59 °F) wikipedia.org)
высшая теплотворная способностьupper calorific value
зеркальное стекло высшего качестваsilvering quality glass
материалы высшей огнеупорностиsuperrefractories