
Terms for subject Formal containing вызванное | all forms
вызвать для дачи показанийcall at the inquest ("Could you imagine any other case where the husband wouldn't be called at the inquest for his wife who had died in a car crash and had written those words?" (comment on The Independent's website) ART Vancouver)
вызвать насторожённостьarouse someone's suspicion (means "to cause someone to become suspicious" ART Vancouver)
вызвать непредвиденные косвенные последствияgenerate second-order effects beyond what is intended (rand.org Alex_Odeychuk)
вызвать положительные откликиbe positively responded (e.g. His speech was positively responded. – Его выступление вызвало положительные отклики. Soulbringer)
вызвать удивлениеoccasion surprise (вызвать удивление у кого-либо – occasion someone surprise ART Vancouver)