
Terms for subject Technology containing выведенный из | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
биологический вид, выведенный из-под угрозы исчезновенияrestored species
быть выведенным из эксплуатацииbe out of service (Andrey Truhachev)
выведенный из работыout-of-operation
выведенный из работыinoperative
выведенный из эксплуатацииwithdrawn from service (Andrey Truhachev)
вывести из застопоренного состоянияdis-jam (взято из инструкции к сверлильному станку Sergey Old Soldier)
вывести из зацепленияdisengage (указатель момента)
вывести из работыbring out of service (MichaelBurov)
вывести из работыtake out of service (MichaelBurov)
вывести из рабочего режимаmake inoperative (yevsey)
вывести из строяrender inoperative (оборудование: He recalled the last massive solar event, which took place in 1859, and "melted telegraphy wires off the poles," while also setting railroad ties on fire as the iron rails heated up. If this occurred today, Fortschen stated that the myriad of delicate electronics that keep our society running would all fail. Water would stop flowing through supply lines as pumps were rendered inoperative, and "would not be coming back for a long time." • Salas had signed an NDA with the Air Force, and did not initially speak about witnessing an apparent UFO-related shutdown of guidance systems while on duty at a Minuteman nuclear missile facility at Malmstrom AFB in March of 1967. During the incident, a pulsating orange object hovered above ground while ten separate missiles were rendered inoperative. coasttocoastam.com, coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
космический аппарат, выведенный из грузового отсека орбитальной ступени МТККshuttle orbiter-deployed spacecraft
поршень, выведенный из зацепления давлением маслаoil-disengaged piston (с дисками)