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вступить в деловые отношенияform a business relationship (with ART Vancouver)
вступить в НАТОaccede to NATO (официальный термин: The first wave – Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic – might accede to Nato before the end of the century. • Of the 26 nations in NATO or about to accede to NATO membership, 18 of them have troops on the ground in Iraq working alongside Ambassador Bremer and General Sanchez and General Abizaid. Now is that NATO in Iraq, or not? (acronym.org.uk) • As previously discussed, the three invitees will not–as originally envisaged–formally accede to NATO during the Washington Summit itself, but have already completed the protocols and became full members of the Alliance on 12th March 1999. parliament.uk 4uzhoj)
вступить в разговор сconverse with... (During the NDE, she conversed with a tiny older man with pearly white hair. She had never met him before, but he consoled her and told her she had to come back to her body. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
снова вступить в бракremarry (He remarried bigamously and had four more children with his new wife. ART Vancouver)