
Terms for subject Disapproving containing возьмём | all forms
снова взяться за староеfall back into one's old ways (Andrey Truhachev)
снова взяться за староеfall back into old patterns (Andrey Truhachev)
снова взяться за староеbe up to one's old habits (Former Vancouver mayor Kennedy Stewart is up to his old habits: parading petty grievances around like serious issues. This habit is long past being tiresome and is completely unbefitting someone who held top job in our country’s third largest city. (nationalpost.com) ART Vancouver)
снова взяться за староеat it again (The two boys were at it again. We could hear them fighting Taras)
снова взяться за староеfall back into the old rut (Andrey Truhachev)
снова взяться за староеbe up to one's old shenanigans (They're up to their old shenanigans. ART Vancouver)