
Terms for subject Microsoft containing виртуальный диск | all forms | in specified order only
виртуальный гибкий дискvirtual floppy disk (A file-based version of a physical floppy disk. A virtual floppy disk is stored as a file with a .vfd file name extension)
виртуальный дискvirtual disk (A non-physical disk exposed to the user as if it were a real disk. The disk may be backed by either a file or memory)
виртуальный жёсткий дискvirtual hard disk (The storage medium for a virtual machine. It can reside on any storage topology that the host operating system can access, including external devices, storage area networks, and network-attached storage. The file format is .vhd)
виртуальный жёсткий диск фиксированного размераfixed-size virtual hard disk (ssn)
динамически расширяемый виртуальный жёсткий дискdynamically expanding virtual hard disk (ssn)
мастер изменения виртуального жёсткого дискаEdit Virtual Hard Disk Wizard (A wizard that is used by advanced users to perform specific operations on their existing virtual hard disks such as compacting their virtual hard disk, merging it, converting it to another type or expanding its size)
мастер создания виртуального жёсткого дискаNew Virtual Hard Disk Wizard (A wizard that is used by advanced users to create custom virtual hard disks for virtual machines. The purpose of the New Virtual Hard Disk Wizard is to gather the basic information from the user necessary to create a new virtual hard disk)
разностный виртуальный жёсткий дискdifferencing virtual hard disk (" A virtual hard disk that stores the changes or "differences" to an associated parent virtual hard disk for the purpose of keeping the parent intact. The differencing disk is a separate .vhd file that is associated with the .vhd file of the parent disk. Changes continue to accumulate in the differencing disk until it is merged to the parent disk.")