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ведущийся в собственных интересахself-serving ("The problem was the blurring of the line between operational deception in the day-to-day business of collecting secret intelligence and the self-serving deception of superiors by intelligence officers in the field, who were judged, promoted and paid according to their "success" in running agents and writing reports." – Thomas Powers, NYT Magazine ART Vancouver)
вести себя непорядочноbe disingenuous (Eve Munro of the Kits Point Residents Association said city councillors and officials are being “disingenuous,” including about “the unprecedented level of secrecy surrounding the Sen̓áḵw development.” vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
вести себя нечестноbe disingenuous (Eve Munro of the Kits Point Residents Association said city councillors and officials are being “disingenuous,” including about “the unprecedented level of secrecy surrounding the Sen̓áḵw development.” vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)