
Terms for subject General containing бюджетный | all forms | exact matches only
бюджетный вариантbudget choice (Alexander Demidov)
бюджетный годfiscal year
бюджетный годbudget year
бюджетный дефицитbudget deficit (AD)
Бюджетный кодекс Российской ФедерацииFiscal Code of the Russian Federation (fiscal: connected with government or public money, especially taxes • fiscal policies/reforms • the country's fiscal system. OALD. fiscal: formal relating to the money, debts, tax etc that are owned and managed by the government: fiscal control | The Indian government is trying to reduce the fiscal deficit. LDOCE. Ср.: "fiscal law" – 65k UK hits, "budget law" – 5k UK hits. Alexander Demidov)
Бюджетный кодекс Российской ФедерацииBudget Code of the Russian Federation (E&Y ABelonogov)
Бюджетный кодекс Российской ФедерацииFiscal Code of the Russian Federation (fiscal: connected with government or public money, especially taxes • fiscal policies/reforms • the country's fiscal system. OALD. fiscal: formal relating to the money, debts, tax etc that are owned and managed by the government: fiscal control | The Indian government is trying to reduce the fiscal deficit. LDOCE. Ср.: "fiscal law" – 65k UK hits, "budget law" – 5k UK hits. Alexander Demidov)
бюджетный комитет палаты представителейHouse Ways and Means Committee (конгресса США)
Бюджетный комитет палаты представителейHouse of Representatives Ways and Means Committee (конгресса США)
бюджетный кредитpublicly funded loan (publicly funded loans that have been granted by the federal or national governments. Alexander Demidov)
бюджетный показательbudget target (Alexander Demidov)
бюджетный прогнозbudget projection
бюджетный процессbudget process (A budget process refers to the process by which governments create and approve a budget. WAD Alexander Demidov)
бюджетный работникpublic sector employee (4uzhoj)
бюджетный регламентbudgeting procedure (tlumach)
бюджетный ремонтaffordable renovation work
бюджетный рынокpublic procurement (Alexander Demidov)
бюджетный секторpublic sector (в отличие от частного Stas-Soleil)
бюджетный циркулярbudget circular (Lavrov)
бюджетный эффектbenefits exceeds costs by (mphto)
бюджетный эффектbenefits exceeding costs by (mphto)
бюджетный эффектpositive value for money (with economic benefits estimated at around XXX times higher than economic costs mphto)
влезать в долги с тем, чтобы финансировать неоправданно разросшийся бюджетный дефицитborrow heavily in order to finance recklessly large budget deficit (lenuzzza)
заложенный бюджетный показательbudget target (Alexander Demidov)
инфраструктурный бюджетный кредитpublicly funded infrastructure loan (Ремедиос_П)
налогово-бюджетный федерализмfiscal federalism
финансово-бюджетный надзорfiscal compliance monitoring (Alexander Demidov)