
Terms containing быть в ссоре с | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.быть в ссоре сbe out with (someone – кем-либо)
gen.быть в ссоре сhave had a falling-out (with)
Makarov.быть в ссоре сbe at odds with (someone – кем-либо)
gen.быть в ссоре сnot to be on speaking terms with (someone – кем-либо)
Gruzovikбыть в ссоре с кем-либоbe at odds with (someone)
media.быть в ссоре с лидеромbe at loggerheads with the leader (bigmaxus)
Makarov.быть в ссоре с президентомbe at odds with the president
media.быть в ссоре с руководствомbe at odds with leadership (bigmaxus)
Makarov.быть в ссоре с руководствомbe at odds with the leadership
brit.быть в ссоре с супругомbe in the dog house (I’m in the doghouse with my wife at the moment: I forgot it was her birthday yesterday! I was in the doghouse yesterday for getting home late after work and missing the meal my wife made for us, so I bought her some flowers this morning. Sebastijana)
Makarov.быть с кем-либо в ссореbe out with (someone)