
Terms for subject Figurative containing боль | all forms
головная больnuisance (to someone -- для кого-л.: There’s a lot of old narrow roads, not a lot of streetlight at night, and you have idiots that are going more than 60km along these side streets, as if pedestrians don’t exist. They meet at intersections with other drivers and don’t pay attention to stop signs. And what results is a symphony of steady car horns, blaring at each other. Only it’s a nuisance to everyone who lives within proximity. (Reddit.com) ART Vancouver)
извиваться от болиwrithe with pain
причинить больcause pain (также inflict pain: I want you to suffer for the pain you've caused. • "Of her former husband she speaks with astonishing charity, considering the pain he inflicted." (Vanity Fair) ART Vancouver)
режущая больacute pain
щемящая больunbearable
щемящая больpainful
щемящая больagonizing
щемящая больoppressive
щемящая больmelancholy