
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing богом | all forms | exact matches only
Бог его знает!the land knows!
бог ты мой!golly (Taras)
Бог накажетGod will fix it (Yeldar Azanbayev)
Бог не Прошка, видит немножкоGod sees all and knows all (Maggie)
Бог не Тимошка, видит немножкоGod sees all and knows all (academic.ru Dominator_Salvator)
бог свидетельas God is my witness
бога радиfor goodness' sake (idiom; For ​goodness' ​sake, don't ​tell anyone ​else about this! Val_Ships)
богом забытыйgodforsaken (on assignment in some godforsaken country Val_Ships)
Господь БогLawd (an ebonic southern slang meaning "Lord": Good Lawd, Zora! Val_Ships)
да хранит Вас БогGod bless you
да хранит тебя богMay God look after you
даст богLord willing and the creek don't rise (Lord willing and the creek don't rise, we'll have that new barn finished in time for the harvest. 4uzhoj)
ей-богуhonest Indian!
ей-богуhonest Injun!
если Бог дастLord willing and the creek don't rise (if all goes well: I'll be home tomorrow, Lord willing and the creek don't rise. Taras)
есть бог на свете!Good riddance! (The principal has finally retired, and most of the teachers are saying, "Good riddance!")
за ради богаfor goodness' sake (просьба; idiom Val_Ships)
не бог весть сколькоdrop in the bucket (We were ​paid about $50,000, but that was a drop in the ​bucket ​compared to what some other ​companies got. Val_Ships)
ну и слава богу!and good riddance! (He's gone, and good riddance! Val_Ships)
ну и слава богу!good riddance! (Val_Ships)
отдать Богу душуcrease it (Rust71)