
Terms containing богатое воображение | all forms | in specified order only
gen.богатое воображениеunbridled imagination (capricolya)
adv.богатое воображениеexuberant imagination
Makarov.богатое воображениеfertile imagination
gen.богатое воображениеluxuriant imagination
gen.иметь богатое воображениеhave plenty of imagination (Andrey Truhachev)
quot.aph.не существовать нигде, кроме его богатого воображенияexist nowhere except in his fertile imagination (Alex_Odeychuk)
gen.обладать чрезвычайно богатым воображениемpossess an extraordinary imaginative power (Alex_Odeychuk)
gen.обладающий богатым воображениемimaginative
gen.одарённый богатым воображениемone who has an imaginative mind (In fact the statue was actually the figure head off a ship he owned, the H.M.S Swythamley, it seems that Sir Philip was not only an astute business man but also was blessed with an imaginative mind. wordpress.com ART Vancouver)
gen.одарённый богатым воображениемimaginative (said of inanimate/abstract objects ART Vancouver)
Makarov.писателям с богатым воображением обычно удаются различные описанияwriters gifted with strong imaginations, are masters of description
gen.с богатым воображениемformful
gen.с богатым воображениемimaginative
gen.слишком богатое воображениеover imagination
gen.у него богатое воображениеhe has a rich imagination
gen.чересчур богатое воображениеoveractive imagination (Usually when a young child claims that there is a monster in their closet in the dead of night, it is fair to assume that it is little more than a case of an overactive imagination. This was certainly the first thing that the parents of one 3-year-old girl thought when she began complaining of 'monsters' in the walls of her bedroom in Charlotte, North Carolina recently. But as time went on and the young girl continued to express concern about monsters in her closet, her mother began to suspect that she might not actually be making things up. (unexplained-mysteries.com) ART Vancouver)
gen.чрезмерно богатое воображениеwanton imagination