
Terms for subject Logistics containing бесперебойное | all forms | exact matches only
бесперебойная поставкаuninterrupted supply
бесперебойная транспортировка грузовfluidity of cargo movements (We recently launched a new ship transit scheduling system enabling us to coordinate the traffic of commercial ships transiting through the busiest waterway of the Port of Vancouver. We’ve scheduled more than 65 ship transits using the system to date, helping to increase the fluidity of cargo movements in the Burrard Inlet. twitter.com ART Vancouver)
бесперебойное снабжениеSustainable Procurement (koban)
бесперебойные грузоперевозкиfluidity of cargo movements (We recently launched a new ship transit scheduling system enabling us to coordinate the traffic of commercial ships transiting through the busiest waterway of the Port of Vancouver. We’ve scheduled more than 65 ship transits using the system to date, helping to increase the fluidity of cargo movements in the Burrard Inlet. twitter.com ART Vancouver)
бесперебойный подвозsmoothly functioning schedule of supply
бесперебойный подвоз материальных средствuninterrupted flow of material
бесперебойный подвоз материальных средствunbroken flow of supplies
нарушение бесперебойных поставокunbalancing of supplies
обеспечение бесперебойных поставокmaintenance of the supply line
обеспечение бесперебойных поставокmaintenance of regularity of supply
обеспечивать бесперебойное перемещение грузаkeep the cargo moving